By GuestBlogger Josh Bickford

Every one of us will have days when we just want to give up. The odds will seem to high, the stress is too much, or the cost just feels to great. What separates the losers in life from the winners is that the winners press on. No matter how impossible something might seem, they push ahead.
personal development
When the odds seem to be against you, know that other people that have done great things have overcome before you.

Donald Trump was BILLIONS in debt, nearly bankrupt and spent his days with creditors all over him. He overcame.

Ted Turner was unable to make his payroll, had most of his employees quit and tell him to give up on CNN. Very few people today on the planet do not know what CNN is. He overcame.

Abraham Lincoln failed over and over again. He lost elections, over and over again. When he ran for President he wasn’t even put on the ballot in many states. He overcame, and is remembered as one of the greatest Presidents the US ever had.

Winston Churchill was removed from the British government and publically humilated for 20 years. But when the world needed him he was there, and nobody remembers his removal, they remember how strong he was in the face of war. He overcame.

Hellen Keller overcame. Oprah Winfrey overcame. Robert Kiyosaki overcame. Tim Blixseth overcame.

The truth is, every person that has ever done anything has had to overcome great obstacle.

You can overcome that obstacle you’re staring at. It’s been done before, and it will be done again.

To quote Winston Churchill—-NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER GIVE UP.

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