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Thoughts on Gratitude

Here are some great thoughts on gratitude. Many thinkers throughout time have written down their thoughts and theories on why its important to be grateful for what you have and gratitude for where you are in life. Enjoy these nuggets of wisdom and think about things in your life that you are grateful for: God [...]

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Why do Some People Consistently Inspire Others to Follow Their Lead?

John C. Maxwell is world renowned for his knowledge of leadership, and his book, The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader (published by Thomas Nelson, 1999), is clearly the place to get started. But first, let’s start with a simple question: Why do some people consistently inspire others to follow their lead? According to John [...]

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The Seven Demands of Leadership - What Separates Great Leaders from all the Rest?

by Barry Conchie Who wants to follow someone who’s going nowhere? Or someone who’s unreliable or untrustworthy? Organizations wrestle with these questions and many others as they confront the elusive challenge of defining effective leadership. The Seven Demands Most people are certain that leadership is about direction, about giving people a sense of purpose that [...]

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7 Step Guide to an Effective Morning Routine

by GuestBlogger, Todd Goldfarb Since I have been living in New York City for 12 years, I am intimately familiar with the “daily grind” and the adjoining morning rituals many working people have. It is important to realize that what you do in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, [...]

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