CG Podcast #003 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #02/16 - A Definite Chief Aim

October 6, 2023

by Travis Wright

Before Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote a series of sixteen lessons, called The Law of Success, which were designed to teach fifteen principles of successful living to students, starting at the high school level. I am going through each lesson and creating a podcast about each lesson in Hill’s Law of Success. This is episode 2 of our 16 part series.

podcast Podcast #003

INSTRUCTIONS for Creating Your Definite Chief Aim
Follow this format and write your own Definite Chief Aim and revise it as you are inspired to do - you can revise it from time to time as you wish, but try not to be indecisive. Read the statement out loud every morning when you get up and every night right before you go to bed. Keep this private and do not share this with other people. You will be working with your subconscious mind and it is also helpful to create a Treasure Map of images that represent your Definite Chief Aim. As you work this process, you will be inspired with things to do to help you achieve your Definite Chief Aim. You need to listen to your inner voice, your intuition, and then follow through with action. It takes time, determination, intense desire, focus and patience.

My Definite Chief Aim

I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental Super Star in the United States. In return I will give exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.

Bruce Lee

January 1969
1940 - November 27- Bruce Lee is born
1973 - July 20 (Age 33): Bruce Lee dies
1973 - August 24 Hollywood - Enter The Dragon premiers at Graumann’s Chinese Theater. The movie is a success, and Bruce Lee achieves world-wide fame. Enter The Dragon is the first-ever production between the U.S. and Hong Kong film industries.

To read this whole chapter online, please check out Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success page or just purchase the 2 volume series at

Law 1 - Introduction - CG Podcast

Law 2 - A Definite Chief Aim

Upcoming Podcasts

Law 3 - Self-Confidence

Law 4 - The Habit Of Saving

Law 5 - Initiative and Leadership

Law 6 - Imagination

Law 7 - Enthusiasm

Law 8 - Self-Control

Law 9 - The Habit Of Doing More Than Paid For

Law 10 - Develop A Pleasing Personality

Law 11 - Accurate Thought

Law 12 - Concentration

Law 13 - Co-operation

Law 14 - Failure

Law 15 - Tolerance

Law 16 - The Golden Rule

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10 Responses to “CG Podcast #003 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #02/16 - A Definite Chief Aim”

  1. Personal Development Carnival: 10-22-06 Edition - Balanced Life Center on October 22nd, 2006 1:17 am

    [...] Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series - A Definite Chief Aim posted at Cultivate Greatness - The notes for this podcast introduce us to the idea of setting a definite aim. Be sure to listen to the podcast to learn more about this concept. [...]

  2. SuccessPart2.Com » Blog Archive » The carnival of struggling bumbling newbies - Oct 22, 2023 on October 22nd, 2006 1:02 pm

    [...] Travis Wright presents CG Podcast #003 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #02/16 - A Definite Chief Aim posted at Cultivate Greatness. [...]

  3. G. on October 22nd, 2006 7:55 pm

    This article is featured in this month’s Carnival of Future Millionaires!

  4. Creating a Better Life » Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill on October 22nd, 2006 11:03 pm

    [...] Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill By Lyman Reed Thanks to a link on this outstanding podcast series on Cultivate Greatness, I’ve added a link to another free ebook to my growing list of free personal development and growth ebooks: [...]

  5. Carnival of Personal Finance #71 - Fat Pitch Financials on October 23rd, 2006 2:34 pm

    [...] Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #02/16 - A Definite Chief Aim at Cultivate Greatness Part of a podcast Series covering Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success [...]

  6. Evolving Times » Law of Attraction Carnival 5 - Emotions on October 24th, 2006 2:27 pm

    [...] And finally, we have Cultivate Greatness with a podcast about Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #02/16 - A Definite Chief Aims. Napoleon was a master of the Law of Attraction even though his focus was on the power of positive thinking. Thoughts are often precursors of feelings which lead to the vibrations that attract things into our lives. [...]

  7. Send Money Online » Carnival of Personal Finance #71 on November 6th, 2006 12:09 pm

    [...] Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #02/16 - A Definite Chief Aim at Cultivate Greatness Part of a podcast Series covering Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success [...]

  8. Bradley Woods on February 22nd, 2007 1:01 pm

    I love this podcast and brief explanation. Straightforward and to the point. I have done a summary on this lesson at

  9. » CG Podcast #010 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #06/16 - Intolerance · Leadership Training · Personal Development 2.0 Blog, Podcast, and Portal | Cultivate Greatness | Leadership Blog | on April 30th, 2007 12:32 pm

    [...] Law 2 - A Definite Chief Aim [...]

  10. Océano directorio on July 8th, 2008 4:40 am

    great its very interesting subject thank you and we wait for more

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