Detoxify Yourself: 101 pontas para remover o veneno de seu corpo e de sua vida

Julho 25, 2008

Com poluição de ar, os pesticides prejudiciais e uma dieta insalubre, seu corpo está provavelmente cheio dos produtos químicos e dos venenos que você não pensa mesmo sobre. Se você quiser a detox seus corpo, mente, espírito e vida inteiros, volta a esta lista, que tem sobre 100 idéias para remover o veneno.

10 objetivos para diário

Mantenha estas 10 pontas na mente cada dia para uma sessão regular do detox.

  1. Preste atenção a menos tevê: Preste atenção a menos tevê, se existerem. Sua mente estará mais livre concentrar em umas coisas mais importantes do que comerciais irritantes, bisbolhetice da celebridade e o materialism superficial.
  2. Limite sua atividade em linha: É muito impossível bonito não logon a seus clientes do E-mail diários, mas limita o descanso de sua atividade em linha, including ir aos locais do fluff e jogar jogos em linha. Você será mais produtivo e terminará provavelmente acima de usar o tempo onde você desperdiçaria em algo mais importante e em cumprir.
  3. Pare de bisbilhotar: Sempre pensar e de pensamentos nasty espalhá-los sobre outros trazem seus próprios modo e self-confidence para baixo.
  4. Use líquidos de limpeza non-toxic: Usar-se non-toxic as ajudas home dos líquidos de limpeza livram seu repouso das substâncias unnatural que podem ser prejudiciais a sua saúde.
  5. Fumar parado: Cigarros contenha sobre 4.000 produtos químicos diferentes, including o nicotine, o piche, o cianido de hidrogênio e mesmo o arsênico, que são veneno a seu corpo.
  6. Exercício: Exercitando ajudas purify sua mente e seu corpo liberando emoções e endorphins aggressive. Exercício ajuda também a seu corpo recolher mais oxigênio e bombear mais rapidamente seu sangue.
  7. Sono melhor e mais por muito tempo: Aprenda técnicas valiosas para começar relaxar, o sono eficaz cada noite deixou seu corpo inteiramente recuperate do dia precedente.
  8. Introduza o produto orgânico em sua dieta: Fresco, orgânico as frutas e os veggies estão livres dos toxins esse dano seu corpo e interferem com o gosto grande.
  9. Limite o número dos pills que você estala cada dia: Se você tiver uma condição crônica da saúde, nós não estamos pedindo que você parasse de fazer exame de pills. But if you pop several pills every time you have a teensy headache, you’re putting way too many kidney-damaging chemicals into your system.
  10. Breathe deeply: Breathing deeply increases the flow of oxygen into your body and relax your mind.

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Woman Saves $12,000 by Collecting Fives

July 23, 2023

A sum like $12,000 doesn’t usually make the news, but one Boston Globe reporter has managed to trick herself into saving that amount by adopting a creative way to save. With two daughters in college and a mortgage to pay, Marie Franklin and her husband didn’t have any extra money to put into savings. While perusing online, she came across a saving trick that suggested saving every five she acquired and depositing them into a separate savings account.

Once she’s collected ten fives in her wallet, Marie deposits the $50 into her designated savings account, and once that account has $2,000 she purchases a CD to earn higher interest. After three years of saving all of her fives, she has accumulated $12,000 in savings. Marie acknowledges that this method of saving requires discipline, but her unconventional habit has obviously worked for her.

[via SavvySugar]

The 2 Essentials For Finding Your ‘Real’ Voice

July 21, 2023

life hacks
By Nancy Daniels

Most people are unaware that they can improve their speaking voice, that they probably should improve their voice, and that the techniques for doing so are simple and basic. And while good voice training will actually improve many other aspects of your life, not all those who teach voice understand the two essentials.

Many of us who teach voice are classically-trained singers. While I don’t teach singing anymore, I use similar principles in teaching others how to find their ‘real’ speaking voice.

Good voice training involves teaching you, first and foremost, how to breathe with the support of your diaphragm because your ‘real’ voice must be powered or amplified from the chest.
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Some Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Earlier in Life

July 20, 2023

life hacks
by Paul Singh

As I get older, I realize I’ve learned some lessons that I wish I had picked up sooner in life. Most of these lessons were learned through experience, many through the various mentors (Thanks, guys!) I’ve had along the way and a few from various books I’ve read here and there.

When most people today hear the word “lesson,” they usually don’t think of it as a good thing. Teaching a lesson may be looked at as being bossy or perhaps a know-it-all. While having learned a lesson may be viewed as a sign of weakness.

However, learning lessons is far from being weak. In fact, George Washington once said, “We ought not to look back unless it is derive useful lessons from past errors and for the purpose of profiting by dear bought experience.” Well said, sir.

Without further ado, here’s the list:

  1. The 80/20 rule.
  2. Parkinson’s Law.
  3. Batching.
  4. First, give value. Then, get value. Not the other way around.
  5. Be proactive. Not reactive.
  6. Mistakes and failures are good.
  7. Don’t beat yourself up.
  8. Your attitude changes your reality.
  9. Don’t compare yourself to others.
  10. 80-90% of what you fear will never really come into reality.
  11. Don’t take things too seriously.
  12. Write everything down.
  13. There are opportunities in just about every experience.

In order to save you some time, starting next week and continuing each week, I’m going to highlight one of the lessons that you can focus on throughout the week.

Until then, why not send me a note and tell me about the lessons you’ve learned along the way. I’ll add the good ones to this list.

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