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The more we think about something, the greater chance it has to become reality. Keep that in mind!!!

Much Love!

Travis Wright


2 Responses to ¡°Worry is Prayer for What You Don¡¯t Want¡±

  1. Tabs on August 23rd, 2008 3:39 pm

    You are right about worrying, It is a thought that is activated by an emotion picked up by the Universe as what you want and a lot of the time brought to fruition even though it is the opposite of what you want. That is why a lot of us go around saying things like ¡°the one things I did not want to happen, happened.¡±

    Two Things:
    1. Worry does nothing more than take you mind into a negativity tailspin. Once you start to worry your day gets progressively worst.
    2. A favorite quote from my favorite song says: Worrying is like trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. Worrying is useless to helping you solve a problem.

    You are right about finding the solution, I find once I start to worry, I take a step back, think about the facts and come up with a solution.

    Great post,


  2. Stu | Improved Lives on August 24th, 2008 12:38 pm

    This is such a simple concept but it makes so much sense. I¡¯ve been reading a lot lately about the psychosomatic effect and this fits in perfectly with that.

    Thanks for a great post!

    Stu | Improved Lives¡¯s last blog post..The Power of a Well Told Life Story

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