80 Как-К местам Worth Bookmarking

9-ое июля 2008

к четверг Bram

Сидящ на моей таблице столовой, я в настоящее время имею half a dozen проектов в различных положениях doneness. Некоторые включают vivisected части компьютера, другие окончательн будут wearable и несколько будут как раз холодные вещи, котор я имею побежал поперек на интернете. Я себя люблю сделать вещи - я думаю черепашка DIY одним из самых лучших коммуникабельных заболеваний в общине lifehack.

Эти 80 мест будут местами, котор я поворачиваю к когда я пытаюсь вычислять вне как выполнить любую определенную цель. Каждый раз, когда я смотрю на новый проект, я начинаю искать для как-tos поможет мне вычислять вне как людях сделали подобные вещи и как вероятн я должны закончить проект с всеми 10 перстами все еще intact. Я ломал их вверх в немного по-разному категорий, как раз для того чтобы помочь вам сужать вниз с вы могли искать. Некоторые просто archives вполне консультаций. Некоторые будут blogs опубликовывают как-tos справедливо регулярно. Некоторые будут как раз большими местами ресурса. Но они все обеспечивали меня с информацией обязательно для того чтобы снести до конца на проект.

Каждо Как-К они могут получить их руки дальше

Эти 10 мест больше чем счастливо для того чтобы хозяйничать любые как-к вокруг. Я увидел все от hacks компьютерного оборудования к инструкциям для пива заваривать на этих местах. Это будет место, котор нужно начать - вы можете сужать вниз с вашего поиска по мере того как вы получаете более лучшую идею вашего проекта.

  1. Сделайте Blog кассеты
  2. Instructables
  3. Как вещество работает
  4. Злейшие сумашедшие лаборатории научного работника
  5. wikiHow
  6. flickr
  7. Lifehacker
  8. Популярные механики
  9. DIY счастливое
  10. Экспертное село

Становит Technophile в 10 легких шагах

Each of these sites focuses primarily on providing the hacks you need to make sure that you have the best hardware and software around. One word of warning: you might run across some obsolete answers to your questions in the archives. Software how-tos don’t age as well as tips on building new furniture

  1. Hack A Day
  2. Hack This Site
  3. I Hacked
  4. Gadget Hacks
  5. Hacked Gadgets
  6. Make Use Of
  7. HacksZine
  8. LifeClever
  9. Web Worker Daily
  10. Tipstrs

Habitat Hacks You Can Live With

If you’re ready to make your home a little more customized, these sites will walk you through projects ranging from building furniture to home theaters for beginners. Remember, when it comes to your landlord, begging forgiveness is probably easier than asking for permission.

  1. Ikea Hacker
  2. DIY Ideas
  3. Home Doctor
  4. Acme How To
  5. Hints N Tips
  6. Ready Made
  7. FlyLady
  8. Real Simple
  9. This Old House
  10. Home Tips

Dining on a DIY Diet

Frugality gurus and health nuts alike advocate making your own food. Very few of us have access to either Grandma or a professional chef willing to walk us through the steps of homemade food, though. It’s time to turn to a few how-tos and recipes that can help us out.

  1. Cooking for Engineers
  2. Bakers Banter
  3. The Pioneer Woman Cooks
  4. Epicurious
  5. The Amateur Gourmet
  6. Culinary Media Network
  7. 101 Cookbooks
  8. Gourmet Magazine
  9. Simply Recipes
  10. Open Source Food

Sewing and Other ‘Feminine Arts’

It seems like most crafters are have two X chromosomes, but there’s no reason to count out knitting just because you have a Y chromosome. Heck, even Rosey Grier, defensive linebacker for the LA Rams, knitted some nice scarves.

  1. TipNut
  2. Craft Magazine’s Blog
  3. Craft Stylish
  4. Craftster
  5. Craftform
  6. WiseNeedle
  7. GetCrafty
  8. Crafttown
  9. Design Your Life
  10. Geek Crafts

Doing Business Your Way

Looking for some instructions on getting your business going a little faster? These sites have all sorts of tips, how-tos and ideas for getting your business up to speed. Keep in mind, though, that not every business is the same. Different businesses have different needs when if comes to growing.

  1. Productivity101
  2. 43Folders
  3. Business Hackers
  4. LifeDev
  5. Biz Plan Hacks
  6. Freelance Switch
  7. Anywired
  8. Young Entrepreneur
  9. Bootstrapping
  10. Copyblogger

Hack Your Wallet and What’s In It

No matter how you earn your money, keeping those dollars in your hands can be a struggle. Plenty of sites offer tips, tricks and tutorials to help you do just that — beyond improving your earning power, these sites can help you keep what you already have.

  1. Frugal Hacks
  2. WiseBread
  3. Get Rich Slowly
  4. The Simple Dollar
  5. The Motley Fool
  6. Five Cent Nickel
  7. Mighty Bargain Hunter
  8. Money Hacks
  9. Dividend Money
  10. Tax Tips Blog

Get Your Brain to the Optimal Level

Not all projects have a clear end result. There are plenty of opportunities to improve how you approach new tasks, study for tests and generally use your brain. Personally, these projects are often my favorites: I don’t need lots of tools to carry them out and I can often use them to help my approach to other projects entirely.

  1. Dumb Little Man
  2. Zen Habits
  3. Mind Hacks
  4. Hack College
  5. Study Hacks
  6. The Growing Life
  7. Life Optimizer

  8. Cultivate Greatness
  9. Lesson in Life
  10. GTD Times

There are millions of sites out on the web with tutorials, instructions and tips for just about every project you dream up — not necessarily a site that can tell you how to do what you have planned, but definitely one that can give you a starting point. These eighty sites are just that — a starting point. These are places worth looking when you have a specific project in mind, sites that can get you started on your plans. Oh, and there’s one more that’s worth checking: LifeHack. I’d be horribly remiss if I didn’t mention this site: it’s an amazing resource when you’re trying to decide how to tackle a new project.


5 Responses to “80 How-To Sites Worth Bookmarking”

  1. Maped on July 10th, 2008 3:04 pm

    A blog(in Polish).. mostly about streetart in Poland, contemporary arts and graphic design.

    Maped’s last blog post..O tutu(!) ostatnio widziane… nie można mieć wszystkiego.

  2. daniel on July 10th, 2008 5:22 pm

    wow, that is an awesome list! thanks so much

    daniel’s last blog post..dpreview releases super in-depth review of the k20d

  3. Storm on July 11th, 2008 11:53 am

    Many great sites, many that are new to me… lots of surfing to come while I check them out. Thanks for sharing.

    Storm’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen #6

  4. andy on July 17th, 2008 1:37 am

    this is DIY heaven…

    andy’s last blog post..5 YouTube Videos to Satisfy Your Appetite for Knowledge

  5. Brad on July 17th, 2008 11:20 pm

    This is a really great list. It might be imdmodest to include this page on the list, but it certainly wouldn’t be misplaced.

    Brad’s last blog post..Queens of The Court No More

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