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It¡¯s that simple. Now all I need to do is to get my kids to understand this principle.


Travis Wright


4 Responses to ¡°Don¡¯t Ever Want, Wish or Hope for Anything¡±

  1. SaSh on June 16th, 2008 4:39 am

    This is so true. And indeed so simple :-) Be convinced that you get nothing for free, but your thoughts, your deeds and your behavior are the only things wich can make a change or improve your live.

  2. Tom(Personal Development byTRCoach) on June 18th, 2008 8:20 am

    I used to say my ¡°dream house¡¯ but dreaming is about hoping and wishing. I now say my ¡°goal house¡±.
    Thanks, Tom (TRCoach)

    PS. ¡°Now all I need to do is to get my kids to understand this principle.¡±
    Should you change this to ¡°my kids understand this principle¡± or ¡°my kids are starting to understand this principle.¡± ?

    Tom(Personal Development byTRCoach)¡¯s last blog post..Success

  3. Anand Dhillon on June 18th, 2008 1:25 pm

    Great Post. This is something I also picked up from the Sedona Method. Wanting basically equates to lack.

    Anand Dhillon¡¯s last blog post..How to Master Money & Wealth | Raising Your Financial Awareness

  4. Louise on July 2nd, 2008 11:29 am

    This may be a guy/girl difference, but sometimes I get pleasure from ¡°wanting¡± without actually getting. Mu husband doesn¡¯t understand this at all! For example, I like to dream about living in different houses just to ¡°try them on¡±, not to actually set a goal to live in them. Not to be too gender-biased, but I think men sometimes miss the point of just daydreaming.

    However, I do get your point that you should try to make it happen once you know what you REALLY want.

    Louise¡¯s last blog post..Charleston Grill Shrimp and Grits

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