


ほとんどの人々はおそらく彼らの声を改善するべきであること、そしてそうする技術が簡単、基本的であることこと彼らの話す声を改善してもいい気づいていない。 そしてよい声訓練が実際にあなたの生命の他の多くの面を改善する間、声を教える人はすべて2要素を理解しない。

声を教える私達の多数は古典訓練された歌手である。 私がもう歌うことを教えない間、`の実質の」話す声を見つける方法を、他の人々に教えている私は同じような主義をで使用する。

よい声訓練は、まず第一に、いかにに教えることを含む あなたのダイヤフラムのサポートと呼吸しなさい あなたの`の実質の」声が箱から動力を与えられるか、または増幅されなければならないので。

呼吸するのに箱の上部の部分だけ使用するために有名である人口の99%の部分ならあなたの話す声はあなたの発声器、喉、口、および/または鼻によって動力を与えられている。 生じる何がおそらくピッチでより高い声よりそれあるべきで、表示しない暖かい、共鳴音をである。 声に動力を与える他の4台の共鳴器と同様、訓練の使用を胸腔有した人。

次のステップはそれからにある あなたの話す声の最適ピッチを見つけなさい. ほとんどの場合、あなたの話す声のピッチは(音の高度かlowness)程度に落ちる。 それはわずかな変更であるかもしれないまたはそれはピッチの重要な低下であるかもしれない。 私のウェブサイトに行き、上のメニューバーのタブの前に及びの後でかちりと鳴らせば、彼の声のピッチの途方もない変更があったCraigを見ることができる。

私が大学院の私の実質の声を発見したときに、私の低下は少なくとも4つの全ステップだった。 I went from sounding like a teenager to a mature woman - not old, not young - ageless. And, my speaking voice is improving as I get older which is interesting because after 40, nothing on your body improves with age!

Once you find your real voice, you will then learn how to increase your volume without shouting, eliminate nasality, speak in living color to your audience and not at them and control your nervousness in any form of public speaking.

Finding your real voice is a life-changing experience because you not only gain total control over your voice as well as an increase in your level of confidence but you will also discover tremendous benefits that have nothing to do with your voice or public speaking. You may find you sleep better at night, or hit a golf ball better, or even notice a drop in your blood pressure because breathing diaphragmatically means that you will be eliminating more of the toxins in your body. Shallow or lazy breathing, again typical of 99% of the population, actually increases your toxins as well as your level of stress.

It is truly amazing to discover the difference in your voice, in your business and in your life just by taking a breath!

Author’s Bio

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels is a voice specialist and president of Voice Dynamic as well as the SelfGrowth Guide for Public Speaking. Holding corporate and 2-day workshops throughout the US and Canada, she launched Voicing It! in April of 2006, the only video training course on voice improvement. You can watch clips from her DVD on her website and ‘before’ & ‘after’ takes of her clients as well as download an audio presentation in which Nancy how voice training can improve your life both professionally and personally at: www.voicedynamic.com

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Nancy Daniels, the Official Guide To Public Speaking


3 Responses to “The 2 Essentials For Finding Your ‘Real’ Voice”

  1. Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach on July 21st, 2008 4:00 am

    Nice article! Back when I was giving seminars in front of audiences, I found that dropping my pitch lent a power and dynamic to my voice that enhanced my student’s experience.

    Never did forget that.

    Happy Monday, Barbara

  2. Travis Wright on July 21st, 2008 4:28 am

    Finding your voice is such a vital tool. If you fail to breath and talk correctly, over time, you can do some pretty damaging stuff to your throat.

    Sometimes, remembering how to breathe correctly is difficult.

    Happy Monday to you as well!


  3. Ian Brodie | Professional Services Consultant on August 1st, 2008 3:56 pm

    Very interesting. My voice tends to raise in pitch when I get excited or really passionate about something. My challenge is to remember how to breathe & speak properly when I’m “jazzed up”.


    Ian Brodie | Professional Services Consultant’s last blog post..Topgrading for Sales: A Review

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