

Dustin Wax著

している、そこに時ノッチの上の事を取りたいと思おうとしている来る。 多分それはあなたのキャリアである-事が罰金に沿って今行っても、最終的に昇進を得るか、あなたの顧客の基盤を高めるか、または多数の聴衆に達することを望む。 または多分それはキャリアに回ることを望むことを考えること趣味である。

何でもとの開始は苦闘である場合もある成功のある特定のレベルに達すればそれがする偽りなく驚くべきをであるものは何でも作る方法を、把握することは困難である場合もある。 事私達は彼らの自身の慣性を開発する方法を有し、注意しなければ、豊富な可能性を得る実現しないでルーチンで運ばれて私達および私達の生命がでもいいものの。

いかにビットを持ち上げるために事を揺することができるか。 次のレベルにあなたのプロジェクト、あなたのキャリア、あなたのプロダクト、またはあなたの生命を取るために何をしなければならないか。



デニス著 Waitley

最も高い台、中心の1に立っている。 群集からの承認のとどろきを聞く。 国歌の最初のノートがオリンピック競技場でされると同時に、この時に伴う自尊心すべてを感じ、名誉を与える。 歴史のこの1発の勝ち誇った時の準備の10,000時間。 金に勝った!

That dream of an Olympic championship is in the heart of every amateur athlete, just as the Grand Final, World Cup, Super Bowl and Wimbledon are the goals of professional football players and tennis players. What are your dreams? You’re most likely not a world-class athlete, but surely you have aspirations of your own. Perhaps you imagine a metaphorical gold medal being placed around your neck by the CEO of your company or by your friends and family for being the best in your own unique way. Maybe you wonder whether you’re up to the risk of starting your own business.
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Debt and Debtor’s Disease

August 9, 2023

life hacks

Debtor’s disease is a silent killer. Killer of respect, marriages, self control, and families. There isn’t a part of your life that it won’t touch and destroy with it’s deadly power. Some of you won’t even know you have it for many, many years. It’s a sneaky affliction; creeping into your life and slowly but surely taking control of every part of your existence.

Seems a bit of a dramatic description, doesn’t it? But, the sad part is, it’s all true. Even though we often hate to admit it, debt will control our lives totally. Even when we first realize it, we won’t do anything about it. We will deny it, continue to feed it, and give it all it needs to thrive within our lives. Oh, you’ll have help, no doubt about that. There are many ways we fuel the fever. Falling into the credit card trap is just the beginning. Self justification is your worst enemy. Why, the human mind is masterful at justifying just about any action, or purchase, given the right circumstances.

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8 Reasons to Have Good Posture

August 3, 2023

Your parents were right - Posture is Important!


“Sit up straight!” “Don’t slouch!” -

I’m sure we’ve all heard those admonishing words more than once from our mother when we were growing up. And most of us begrudgingly complied with her command having no concept of the anatomical and biomechanical rationale behind her persistent prodding. In fact she probably wasn’t aware of all the implications of poor posture herself! But somehow, some way your mother always seemed to know best.

Think about it. The first thing you notice about people is not their eyes, not their hair, not even their clothes. It’s their posture. And it screams messages about who they are. Someone who stands erect gives off an aura of pride and self-confidence, while someone who slumps and stoops looks like he’s ashamed to be taking up space.

Yet looks aren’t the best reason to improve your posture. Health is. What begins as merely an unsightly stance or carriage can lead to authentic health problems if not corrected.
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