


有時,不認為是非常難的什麼您不想要。 我們架線考慮和擔心事我們不希望發生。 這是非常損傷的到您的成功,和,當您認為任何東西時,您的下意識意圖它,您希望安排發生的事。 我們認為事入現實。

如果您有孩子和您擔心他們得到拐騙,在他們去外面時候或是在您的意圖外面…沒有驚奇,如果,一天,您的孩子得到綁架。 您沈默地祝願它以每個少許`憂慮禱告』。



我知道它是堅硬的。 他們關心的某些人是多心的并且顯示他們的憂慮并且有關,愛的標誌對那些的。 我的祖母懷特是一個巨大的自找煩惱的人。 她經常擔心她的健康,并且相對地死了年輕人與健康問題。



由Dustin ・ Wax

不管您做着,那裡來時候,當您想要採取事山谷。 可能它是您的事業-,即使事沿罰款現在去,您最後希望得到促進,增加您的客戶基地或者到達大量觀眾。 Or maybe it’s a hobby that you think you’d like to turn into a career.

Getting started with anything can be a struggle, but once you reach a certain level of success, it can be hard to figure out how to make whatever it is you do truly remarkable. The things we do have a way of developing their own inertia, and if we’re not careful, we get carried along in the routine without ever realizing the full potential of what we and our lives can be.

How can you shake things up a bit? What do you have to do to take your project, your career, your product, or your life to the next level?
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How to Find the Olympian Within

August 11, 2023

by Denis Waitley

You’re standing on the highest pedestal, the one in the center. You hear the roar of approval from the crowd. As the first note of the national anthem is played in the Olympic stadium, you feel all the pride and honor that accompanies this moment. Ten thousand hours of preparation for this one triumphant moment in history. You’ve won the gold!

That dream of an Olympic championship is in the heart of every amateur athlete, just as the Grand Final, World Cup, Super Bowl and Wimbledon are the goals of professional football players and tennis players. What are your dreams? You’re most likely not a world-class athlete, but surely you have aspirations of your own. Perhaps you imagine a metaphorical gold medal being placed around your neck by the CEO of your company or by your friends and family for being the best in your own unique way. Maybe you wonder whether you’re up to the risk of starting your own business.
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Debt and Debtor’s Disease

August 9, 2023

life hacks

Debtor’s disease is a silent killer. Killer of respect, marriages, self control, and families. There isn’t a part of your life that it won’t touch and destroy with it’s deadly power. Some of you won’t even know you have it for many, many years. It’s a sneaky affliction; creeping into your life and slowly but surely taking control of every part of your existence.

Seems a bit of a dramatic description, doesn’t it? But, the sad part is, it’s all true. Even though we often hate to admit it, debt will control our lives totally. Even when we first realize it, we won’t do anything about it. We will deny it, continue to feed it, and give it all it needs to thrive within our lives. Oh, you’ll have help, no doubt about that. There are many ways we fuel the fever. Falling into the credit card trap is just the beginning. Self justification is your worst enemy. Why, the human mind is masterful at justifying just about any action, or purchase, given the right circumstances.

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