كيف أن يجد اللاعب أولمبيّ من الدّاخل

أغسطس - آب 11, 2008

ب [دنيس] [ويتلي]

أنت تقف على القاعدة [هيغست], الواحدة في المركز. أنت تسمع الهدير الموافقة من الحشد. بما أنّ البطاقة أولى من ال [نأيشنل نثم] يكون لعبت في الملعب مدرّج أولمبيّة, يشعر أنت [ألّ ث] كبرياء ويشرّف أنّ يرافق هذا عزم. [تن ثووسند] ساعات التحضير ل هذا واحدة عزم منتصرة في تاريخ. أنت قد ربحت النوع ذهب!

أنّ حلم من بطولة أولمبيّة في القلب من كلّ رياضية هاوي, فقط بما أنّ العظيمة [فينل], عالم فنجان, فائقة قصع و [ويمبلدون] يكون الأهداف من محترفة كرة قدم لاعبات وكرة مضرب لاعبات. ماذا يكون حلمك? أنت [موست ليكلي] لا [وورلد-كلسّ] رياضية, غير أنّ بالتّأكيد يتلقّى أنت سفط من ك خاصّة. ربّما يتخيّل أنت [غلد مدل] [متفوريكل] يكون يوضع حول عنقك بالالمدير التنفيذيّ من شركتك أو ب ك صديقات وأسرة ل يكون الجيّدة في ك خاصّة طريق فريدة. ربّما يتساءل أنت ما إذا أنت حتّى الخطر من يبدأ ك خاصّة عمل.
قرأت أكثر

إمرأة ينقذ $12,000 ب يجمع [فيفس]

يوليو-تمّوز 23, 2008

يجعل مجموعة مثل $12,000 لا عادة الأخبار, غير أنّ واحدة بوسطن كرة أرضيّة قد أدار مراسلة أن يخدعبنفسي داخل توفير أنّ مبلغة ب يتبنّى طريق مبتكرة أن ينقذ. مع اثنان ابنة في كلية ورهن أن يدفع, لم يتلقّى [مري] [فرنكلين] وزوجه أيّ مال إضافيّة أن يضع داخل توفيرات. بينما يتفحّص عبر إنترنت, تصادف هو توفير خدعة أنّ اقترح ينقذ كلّ خمسة هو اكتسب ويرسّبهم داخل [سفينغ كّوونت] منفصلة.

Once she’s collected ten fives in her wallet, Marie deposits the $50 into her designated savings account, and once that account has $2,000 she purchases a CD to earn higher interest. After three years of saving all of her fives, she has accumulated $12,000 in savings. Marie acknowledges that this method of saving requires discipline, but her unconventional habit has obviously worked for her.

[via SavvySugar]

80 How-To Sites Worth Bookmarking

July 9, 2023

by Thursday Bram

Sitting on my dining room table, I currently have half a dozen projects in various states of doneness. Some involve vivisected computer parts, others will eventually be wearable and a few are just cool things I’ve ran across on the internet. I like doing things myself — I think the DIY bug is one of the best communicable diseases in the lifehack community.

These eighty sites are the places I turn to when I’m trying to figure out how to accomplish any particular goal. Any time I’m facing a new project, I start searching for how-tos that will help me figure out how other people did similar things and how likely I am to finish the project with all ten fingers still intact. I’ve broken them up into a few different categories, just to help you narrow down what you might be looking for. Some are simply archives full of tutorials. Some are blogs that publish how-tos fairly regularly. Some are just great resource sites. But they all have provided me with the information necessary to carry through on a project.

Every How-To They Can Get Their Hands On

These ten sites are more than happy to host any how-to around. I’ve seen everything from computer hardware hacks to instructions for brewing beer on these sites. This is the place to start — you can narrow down your search as you get a better idea of your project.

  1. Make Magazine’s Blog
  2. Instructables
  3. How Stuff Works
  4. Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
  5. wikiHow
  6. flickr
  7. Lifehacker
  8. Popular Mechanics
  9. DIY Happy
  10. Expert Village

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Don’t Ever Want, Wish or Hope for Anything

June 13, 2023

life hacks

Ok, I have a 2.5 year old baby girl and a 6.5 year old son. They are constantly telling me what they want. “I want this, daddy! I want that, daddy!” What they don’t realize is that wanting, hoping and wishing for things, just don’t work. It would seem that most adults don’t realize this either, so it inspired this blog post.

When you want, wish or hope for anything, what happens is the universe listens… and you receive the feeling of “wanting, wishing or hoping”… you DON’T actually GET what you are wishing, wanting and hoping for. Instead you get the feeling and experience of wanting.

“So, Travis”, you say… “How are we to manifest our desires then?”

Well, this is tricky… Instead of wanting, wishing and hoping… you DECIDE in advance the outcome you desire. You CHOOSE for things to be. When you focus on your decision and your choices, then the universe and God work in a different way. It combines effort with your subconscious mind to help you FIND the way to make your desire occur.

It is better to give your mind decisions and choices, as it can work FOR you, instead of AGAINST you as it does when you are wanting, wishing and hoping.

Does this make sense?

This is truly “The Secret” to making things happen for you in this life. Decide in advance. Create the pathway and then walk down the pathway you created. Everything starts in the mind as a thought. When we then desire something, instead of wanting, wishing and hoping… you MUST DECIDE IN ADVANCE YOUR OUTCOME. If you remember this, you will be successful beyond your expectations. No Wanting. No Wishing. No Hoping. Just deciding.

It’s that simple. Now all I need to do is to get my kids to understand this principle.


Travis Wright

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