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How to Find the Olympian Within

by Denis Waitley You’re standing on the highest pedestal, the one in the center. You hear the roar of approval from the crowd. As the first note of the national anthem is played in the Olympic stadium, you feel all the pride and honor that accompanies this moment. Ten thousand hours of preparation for this [...]

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Woman Saves $12,000 by Collecting Fives

A sum like $12,000 doesn’t usually make the news, but one Boston Globe reporter has managed to trick herself into saving that amount by adopting a creative way to save. With two daughters in college and a mortgage to pay, Marie Franklin and her husband didn’t have any extra money to put into savings. While [...]

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80 How-To Sites Worth Bookmarking

by Thursday Bram Sitting on my dining room table, I currently have half a dozen projects in various states of doneness. Some involve vivisected computer parts, others will eventually be wearable and a few are just cool things I’ve ran across on the internet. I like doing things myself — I think the DIY bug [...]

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Don’t Ever Want, Wish or Hope for Anything

Ok, I have a 2.5 year old baby girl and a 6.5 year old son. They are constantly telling me what they want. “I want this, daddy! I want that, daddy!” What they don’t realize is that wanting, hoping and wishing for things, just don’t work. It would seem that most adults don’t realize this [...]

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