


有時,不認為是非常難的什麼您不想要。 我們架線考慮和擔心事我們不希望發生。 這是非常損傷的到您的成功,和,當您認為任何東西時,您的下意識意圖它,您希望安排發生的事。 我們認為事入現實。

如果您有孩子和您擔心他們得到拐騙,在他們去外面時候或是在您的意圖外面…沒有驚奇,如果,一天,您的孩子得到綁架。 您沈默地祝願它以每個少許`憂慮禱告』。



我知道它是堅硬的。 他們關心的某些人是多心的并且顯示他們的憂慮并且有關,愛的標誌對那些的。 我的祖母懷特是一個巨大的自找煩惱的人。 她經常擔心她的健康,并且相對地死了年輕人與健康問題。

當我尋找自己讓擔心某事時,我轉移我的注意點到工作在解答到問題。 我改變憂慮我的狀態并且有關受到機巧和創造力狀態。 不要擔心或母狗問題…工作往發現一種解答為精神上痛苦您的那。

知道憂慮是一個沈默禱告,請求并且懇求那哪些我們不想要是要考慮的一件強有力的事。 It could profoundly affect your life. Worry is the Law of Attraction working AGAINST you.

The more we think about something, the greater chance it has to become reality. Keep that in mind!!!

Much Love!

Travis Wright


2 Responses to “Worry is Prayer for What You Don’t Want”

  1. Tabs on August 23rd, 2008 3:39 pm

    You are right about worrying, It is a thought that is activated by an emotion picked up by the Universe as what you want and a lot of the time brought to fruition even though it is the opposite of what you want. That is why a lot of us go around saying things like “the one things I did not want to happen, happened.”

    Two Things:
    1. Worry does nothing more than take you mind into a negativity tailspin. Once you start to worry your day gets progressively worst.
    2. A favorite quote from my favorite song says: Worrying is like trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. Worrying is useless to helping you solve a problem.

    You are right about finding the solution, I find once I start to worry, I take a step back, think about the facts and come up with a solution.

    Great post,


  2. Stu | Improved Lives on August 24th, 2008 12:38 pm

    This is such a simple concept but it makes so much sense. I’ve been reading a lot lately about the psychosomatic effect and this fits in perfectly with that.

    Thanks for a great post!

    Stu | Improved Lives’s last blog post..The Power of a Well Told Life Story

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