Where Are Your Habits Leading You?

22 12 2007

life hacksBy Jack Canfield

You are an accumulation of your habits. From how you get out of bed, how you shower, how you dress, how you walk, sit, and talk, how you respond to the world, how you act in front of others, and how you think; you’re living out your habits.

Habits are necessary. They free up your mind so you can concentrate on how to survive day to day. You don’t have to think about how to drive your car so you can be on the look out for danger while you are driving. You don’t have to think about how to walk so you can concentrate on where you’re going.

Unfortunately, habits can also keep you locked in self-destructive patterns, which will limit your success. To become successful, you will need to drop bad habits and develop new ones that are in line with the life you want to live.

People don’t suddenly appear in the life they want to live, habits determine their outcome!

What are the habits you have that are keeping you from achieving your goals? Really be honest with yourself here… Are you always running late? Do you return phone calls within 24 hours? Do you get enough sleep? Do you follow through on your promises? Do you plan out your day?

Imagine what your life would be like if all those habits were their productive counterparts.

What would your life be like if you ate healthy meals, exercised and got enough sleep? What if you saved money, stopped using credit cards and paid cash for everything? What if you stopped procrastinating, overcame your fears, and began networking with people in your field? Would your life be different? I bet it would!
Read the rest of this entry »

Solutions to the Seven Most Common Sleep Myths

9 08 2007

leadership trainingBy Dr. Narinder Duggal and Dr. Leslie Van Romer

We all know that sleep is absolutely critical to feel your best, look your best and perform at your best – every day. A lack of sleep can result in issues such as decreased productivity, creativity and focus, but a continuous lack of sleep can lead to more serious health issues. While the quality and quantity sleep take front and center stage, there are other major health players such as: eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, making time for 60 minutes of exercise each day, taking in fresh air, drinking lots of water and having an uplifting outlook on life.

Sleep is important but there is a lot of confusion about how we can get this sacred time to rest, recuperate and reenergize. Sometimes the confusion and misinformation is harmless; sometimes it is dangerous.

Here are the solutions to the top seven myths about getting your daily zzz’s:

Myth #1: Snoring may be annoying to a sleep partner, but it is never harmful.

Fact: Snoring may be harmless, but it can also be a symptom of a life-threatening sleep disorder called sleep apnea, especially if it is accompanied by severe daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea, or pauses in breathing while sleeping, prevents air flow, reduces oxygen levels and strains the heart and cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. People with sleep apnea awaken frequently during the night. Obesity can also contribute to sleep apnea.

Solution: Lose weight and if you suspect sleep apnea, get it checked out. It is treatable. Newer, medical advancements can assist in helping you get a good night’s sleep.

Myth #2: You can “cheat” on the amount of sleep you get.

Fact: Sleep experts say that most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health and safety. When we don’t get adequate sleep, we accumulate a sleep “debt” that can be difficult to “pay back.” The result: sleep deprivation, which is linked to obesity, high blood pressure, mood swings, decreased productivity and safety issues in the home, on the job and on the road.

Solution: Read the rest of this entry »

Executive Intelligence

21 07 2007

leadership trainingby Travis Wright
I’m currently reading this great book on leadership, called Executive Intelligence by Justin Menkes. This book delivers many gems, such as this quote from Andrea Jung, CEO of Avon:

“Decision-making in today’s business environment is decentralized. Decisions are made at the local level, or at a functional or operating level. You can’t grow a business around two to three good thinkers anymore, because your success depends on quality decisions from people at every level- salespeople, marketing people, strategy people, and so on. Everyone has to be able to think smart.

If you don’t have the right amount of quality thinking in a complex growth company like ours, it is going to manifest itself in terms of marginalized discussions that rely upon wrong inputs and unskilled questions. And that’s what drags down businesses. Thats’s why companies don’t have good minds throughout their ranks get stuck at 100 million in revenue and don’t get to 1 billion.”

Executive Intelligence is a book for people who are leaders or looking to become a leader. Decide to be the best you can become. Find others with a similar outlook, then move forward as a collective team. There are no lone eagles. It is a nest of eagles…. all moving in unison.

Great book. Get it.

Your Addictions Tell You, ‘You’ll Never Get Enough of What You Don’t Want”

7 04 2007

ARTICLE DISCLAIMER From Travis… “Hey all, this article is so amazing, that I actually typed this entry in from Wayne Dyer’s Book, Being in Balance, to give you this excerpt. It is such a nugget of wisdom, that I just had to share it. If you like it, support the author by grabbing any of his eleventy billion awesome books that he has written on the subject of Personal Development.

Balancing your Desire for what you want, with Your Addictive Behavior
personal development
By Wayne Dyer

If I were to rate the nine habits discussed in this book, “Being in Balance” this one might get the prize for being the most unbelievable. ‘Spending out precious life energy chasing after something we don’t want, and never getting enough of whatever it is that we’re relentlessly pursuing!’ Fortunately, this is one imbalance that’s relatively easy to correct, despite all we’ve been told about conquering addictions.

“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.” -Porverbs 24:16

The concept of FIGHTING and CONQUERING addiction is the wrong approach- I believe that we need to begin by removing those words from our vocabulary. Martin Luther King Jr., once remarked that the only way to convert an enemy to a friend is through love, not hatred or fithing.

We Don’t Conquer Anything, and There’s Nothing to Fight

Consider the results we’ve achieved when we’ve tried to fight something in order to conquer it. For example, ever since war was declared on poverty, theres more of it in the world than ever. Our wars on drugs have only served to triple our prison populations and bring illegal substances to more people at younger ages. [As early as junior high school, there’s hardly a child who doesn’t know how to acquire all manner of drugs.]

Our wars on crime have resulted in more criminals, more fear, more surveillance, more distrust, and more abuse by law-enforcement personnel. Our war on terror has turned us into people who behave toward those we label terrorists in ways that emulate the terrorism we;re supposedly desirous of eliminating. When war was officially declared on Iraq, America became more hated, and the number of people signing up to become suicide bombers multiplied dramatically. And our wars on cancer, obesity, and hunger have not eliminated those conditions either. Read the rest of this entry »

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