Archive | January, 2007

The Lazy Way to Remember Self Improvement

by Contributor, Aaron Potts One of the biggest problems that people have with their self improvement efforts is simply that they forget to practice whatever techniques they are supposed to be practicing in order to improve their lives. The truth of the matter is that you are so used to living your life in [...]

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‘Best Advice I Ever Got’ Series 10 - Dick Parsons, CEO of Time Warner

“The best business advice I ever received was from Steve Ross, who used to run this company. Steve was a friend. It was 1991 or 1992, and I was on the Time Warner board. I was going to be coming over to the company from the banking industry, and we were talking about how to [...]

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‘Best Advice I Ever Got’ Series 09 - Vivek Paul, Former CEO, Wipro Technologies

“The best advice I ever got was from an elephant trainer in the jungle outside Bangalore. I was doing a hike through the jungle as a tourist. I saw these large elephants tethered to a small stake. I asked him, ‘How can you keep such a large elephant tied to such a small stake?’ He [...]

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How Well Do You Follow Through?

by Travis Wright In life as well as in golf, the follow through is crucial. It is a very important aspect of personal development. How well and how consistent are you at following through? If you say you are going to do something, do you do it? “It was character that got us out of [...]

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