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Positive Thoughts Will Create Positive Results

Positive Thoughts Will Create Positive Results

by Patrece Snow Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations and circumstances will change accordingly. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then let fears and lack of belief re-enter your mind. A person can easily [...]

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Worry is Prayer for What You Don’t Want

Sometimes, it is very difficult to NOT think of what you DON’T want. We are wired to think and worry about things that we don’t wish to happen. This is very detrimental to your success, as when you think of anything, your subconscious views it as something you would like to have happen. We think [...]

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The Forever Moment of NOW.

image: Oasis album cover, “Be Here Now” We are always here. In this moment. Now. Each moment is the birth and death of a brief encounter of time. But perhaps it is time that is the myth? Where ever we are, is actually a whenever we are. All we have is this moment, always. It’s [...]

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10 Imaginitive Ways to Pump your Mind for Ideas

  Ever play with Tinkertoys as a kid? This toy where you had wheels with peg holes in it, and wood stems of various sizes in which you could create anything. Well, I ran across this book, Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques, by Michael Michalko, has inspired my creativity… I’m only about 28 pages [...]

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