Archive | February, 2006

Discover Your Genius Within

The functions of the right and left brain are only a small portion of the potential that comprises THE MIND. The mind and the brain are two very different things. You can think of the brain as the hard drive of the computer and the mind as the software. Your mind is the intelligence that [...]

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Consciously Choosing a Positive Attitude

Do you consciously choose your attitude each day? If you’re like most people, probably not. Most of us tend to let our circumstances choose our attitude for us. We’re in a good mood as long as we get up on time, the kids cooperate and get to school on time, the car starts without a [...]

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The 4 Rules of Time

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Financial Fitness for Entrepreneurs

While creating a growth business can be exhilarating, many entrepreneurs – especially those starting a company for the first time – don’t pay enough attention to some core issues surrounding the financial management of their businesses. Often, founders don’t have formal training in finance – they’re “techies” launching the next Apple Computer or Netscape, professionals [...]

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