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100 Healthy Tips and Tricks for Wellness and Fitness

By Jessica Merritt Everyone wants to look and feel healthy, and there are seemingly endless easy ways to improve your health from the inside out. Whether you’re improving your diet or just getting off the couch, small steps can make a big impact. Read on to learn about 100 different ways to make make an [...]

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8 Reasons to Have Good Posture

Your parents were right - Posture is Important! “Sit up straight!” “Don’t slouch!” - I’m sure we’ve all heard those admonishing words more than once from our mother when we were growing up. And most of us begrudgingly complied with her command having no concept of the anatomical and biomechanical rationale behind her persistent prodding. [...]

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24 Daily Habits to Make the Most of this Life

We first make our habits, and then our habits make us - John Dryden I have previously written about how the habit of Exercising Every Day has helped me tremendously. Doing something every day is such a powerful way to form a habit that I thought I would make a list of 24 habits that [...]

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The Forever Moment of NOW.

image: Oasis album cover, “Be Here Now” We are always here. In this moment. Now. Each moment is the birth and death of a brief encounter of time. But perhaps it is time that is the myth? Where ever we are, is actually a whenever we are. All we have is this moment, always. It’s [...]

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