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The Essence of Business Success

By: Brian Tracy The essence of a successful business is really quite simple. It is your ability to offer a product or service that people will pay for at a price sufficiently above your costs, ideally three or four or five times your cost, thereby giving you a profit that enables you to buy and [...]

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According to Jung, Which Type of Person are You?

I came across this great site that goes over the Myers Briggs Personality test. This is a very powerful test that will give you valuable insight into your personality and what makes you tick. This will also tell you some of the people throughout history that also have the same characteristics as you. So, please [...]

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Fail Your Way to Success

by Travis Wright The road to success isn’t without bumps. There are many times where you will not be as successful as you would like. But it is a reason to give up? No. You must move forward with positive anticipation and believe in your end goal. Many people once they fail move back into [...]

Continue Reading Podcast #017: Jim Kouzes - CoAuthor of “The Leadership Challenge” 25 year Study on Leadership

On January 20, 2024 Jim Kouzes was first inspired to dedicate himself to leadership. That was the day he was one of only a dozen Eagle Scouts who served in John F. Kennedy’s Honor Guard at the Presidential Inauguration. #017 Podcast - Jim Kouzes I was very honored to interview with Mr. Kouzes. For [...]

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