‘Best Advice I Ever Got’ Series 17 - Ted Turner, Media Mogul

8 02 2007

Ted Turner

“The best advice I ever got came from my father. He told me to go to work at his billboard company when I was 12 years old. I worked 42 hours a week, just like an adult. I worked the first summer as a water boy, a runner, and an assistant to the construction crew. Over the next 12 summers, I worked in a different area every year. I learned sales and leasing. I could paint billboards. I can post bills. My father would explain how the business world works-how a good business depends on good labor relations, enthusiastic leadership, making a profit and reinvesting it. When I was 21 and went to work in the company full-time, I was ready. He passed away three years later, when I was 24, and I was

“Start young.” - Founder of CNN and former vice chairman of Time Warner - Ted Turner, 66

able to take it over without a hitch. People couldn’t believe how successful I was. This turned out to be the best business course I could have gotten.”

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One response to “‘Best Advice I Ever Got’ Series 17 - Ted Turner, Media Mogul”

8 02 2007
Alex Shalman (08:34:26) :

That was a really touching article. Goose bumps down at the small print - will come back to read more. I could say I have had a similar experience with my family business, without anyone dieing that is.

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