Cultivate Great Relationships! Remember your Friend’s Birthday and Anniversary!

13 03 2007

Birthdays and Anniversary dates have always seemed to bypass my focus. Luckily, I remember my wifes birthday, and our anniversary. But in the past, I have forgotten my sisters birthday, my grandma’s birthday personal developmentand numerous friends birthdays. This is unacceptable! How can I be on the path of enlightenment when I forget the most important dates in my loved ones lives??

So, one of my good friends is great at keeping track of everyone’s birthday and vital information. I asked him what his secret was to keeping informed of this… He said, ” I have a f#$king excel spreadsheet.”


I then asked him. “Could I have a copy of said f#$king excel spreadsheet? I could really use this spreadsheet to help me keep track of this information.” He graciously emailed his work of art.

Nothing is worse then getting that phone call from a loved one that you forgot about their birthday… AGAIN!

So, stop the insanity! This excel document is perfect, as it keeps track of everyone’s phone number, address, birthday, profession, their spouse and kids, if they have them. With everyone out there having a cellphone, myself included, I don’t know over half of my friends and family’s phone numbers! So, this thing will act as a great backup tool to keep track of your numbers, and help you become a hero to everyone when you remember them on their special day!

Seriously, download this f#$king excel spreadsheet! :-p


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One response to “Cultivate Great Relationships! Remember your Friend’s Birthday and Anniversary!”

14 03 2007
Patrick Allmond (00:08:42) :

Listen to this people. This one is HUGE. Every single time everybody I know mentions ANY kind of significant date or anniversary I take note of it. More than once I have brought up these dates to them and they were completely shocked.

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