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Stop Making Failures of Your Children

by Napoleon Hill Do you realize that your child’s success or failure depends on you? The schooling and the religious training your children receive will play an important part in their lives, of course, but the influence they will pick up from living close to you can be and should be one that puts them [...]

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How Not to Talk to Your Kids

The inverse power of praise. — By Po Bronson What do we make of a boy like Thomas? Thomas (his middle name) is a fifth-grader at the highly competitive P.S. 334, the Anderson School on West 84th. Slim as they get, Thomas recently had his long sandy-blond hair cut short to look like the new [...]

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Seeds of Family Leadership: Empowering Others

by Denis Waitley The world needs role models, instead of critics. Others know when you have their best interests at heart. You are truly successful when you can extend a strong hand to someone who is reaching out or just trying to hang on. Come through for others, and they will come through for you. [...]

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Being “Too Busy” Can Cheat You Out of a Fabulous Life

By Joe Farcht There are probably many things you’d like to do but simply don’t have the time for. You’re just too busy to do them! Here are some changes you can make so that you accomplish the things that are truly important to you. If you experience this feeling, then it’s time to sit [...]

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