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Mr. Rogers Was My Hero.

Mr. Rogers goes to Washington to help get funding for Childrens Television. Does he get his funding of 20$ million? Check it. Man, he sure was a caring person. The world is a better place for having had Mr. Rogers in it. This is 6:50 minutes of someone cultivating greatness. With humbled gratitude, Travis Wright [...]

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Words That Cut

By Gary Barnes At times, when we get angry and lose our temper we lash out at those we love the most. If we love them, why do we take our anger out on them? Words that cut, do they ever heal? The pain may soon go away, but the scar never disappears. Why can’t [...]

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How to Invest in Your Children This Summer

By Chick Moorman My neighbor recently purchased a $400 sandbox for his young children. How can anyone spend $400 dollars on a sandbox, you might wonder. Simple. It’s a state-of-the-art sandbox with a swing set and slide attached to it. It’s high quality through and through. With all due respect to my neighbor (who loves [...]

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How Much Quality Time Do You Spend With Your Children?

by Travis Wright As we work on our life and try to make it as good as possible… we need to ensure that we spend enough quality time with our children and help them grow, so that their life is as good as possible. Sure, we have a lot of work to do, and may [...]

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