How Much Quality Time Do You Spend With Your Children?

13 01 2007

by Travis Wright

As we work on our life and try to make it as good as possible… we need to ensure that we spend enough quality time with our children and help them grow, so that their life is as good as possible. Sure, we have a lot of work to do, and may be ‘busy’ growing our business or working on our career. But, we have to make adequate time to help our kids become the best that they can be.

Today is my baby daughter’s, Liliana’s, 1st birthday, and she is such a bundle of joy. Happy ALL of the time, it seems. It is great watching her grow from infant into the one year old toddler stage. She loves to be read to, wrestled with and tickled.

My son, is a typical five-year old. Loves to play games, sports, and cause an occasional amount of mischief to test his limits. He has grown into a wonderful little man. The time we spend together, I can tell, has a profound effect on him. This guy wants to be a professional baseball player, stating that someday he will win a World Series. To have goals like this at an early age is amazing. I don’t think I ever had any goals like this, when I was younger.

I have positioned myself be able to spend as much time with her and my 5 year old son, as possible. And as a result, both of my children are extremely happy children and very well behaved. With my web development business, my freelance technical training - teaching schedule, and my blogs have enabled me to be home 3 weeks of the month, and spend the other time teaching others. My kids get to see me.

The time you spend playing games with them, wrestling, tickling, and reading to them have such an indelible mark on them. When they know someone goes out of their way to spend time with them, it makes them feel important.

So, get off the computer, more often and give some valuable attention to you little ones. They need it to help them feel loved, and to develop the ability to handle life’s adversities. When they have a good support system, they are better adjusted to handle more things in the real world.

Now, as I stated, I have a 1 year old and a 5 year old. So, those of you with teenagers and older children, obviously have different obstacles to deal with, with your kids. When they cross into additional stages of life, I will be there ready to help them.

I look forward to spending as much time as possible with them, and enjoying them every step of the way, and helping them become champions in whatever it is, that they enjoy most. And as a parent, all we can do, is help them become the best at whatever it is that they are passionate about.

So, make today a special day for you kid. Go do something that you normally wouldn’t do. Just you and one of your children, go and have a great day! It will mean a lot to you and especially, to them.

Much Love-

Travis Wright

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