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Oh, How good it Feels to be a Thinker!

11 04 2006


So Im sitting here thinking… and it feels great. I highly recommend it.

Even after a few inebrients this evening, I notice my brain working at optimal levels. Maximizing each moment as it comes, and enjoying each moment.

Six beers while watching the very best college basketball team… in my mind, the University of Kansas Jayhawks beat the Oklahoma State Sooners by one point, 63-62.

My sister, Rachella from Manila, went to Oklahoma State… and is living with her Oklahoma State Alum fiance, Jamie. So, I called to antagonize her a bit during the game. And told her before the game, “For the next 2 hours I am gonna hate you, but I still love you. ” :-)

A few of my coworkers bailed out of work around 3:15 today, to go drinking… well, not partaking in such nonsense… Daddy UJ stays until 5:15, because Im high speed, yo. Heh. Actually, all the bigwigs were having a meeting and I felt that it was on my best interest to stay late… sure enough, two people made a sale tonight, and the only people not there to congratulate them, were the ones who bailed early… bad early bailers! bad!

Heh… so, after work I meet them at the bar called “Fuel” in Overland Park, KS. My goodness… the waitstaff were incredible looking, wearing ripped shirts with their midriffs all kickin’… with belly jewelry and low cut jeans. This place is a straight up, yuppie Coyote Ugly wannabe kind of place.

Sure, the waitresses were hot… but who cares? When you are with someone you love… and I was with a few friends that I definitely have love in my heart for. Few people walk into your world that you are taken aback by, and you think, “How have I been able to manage this far in my life, without this person in my life?” When they come around you keep them.

I have an unique array of friends in my life, I have a couple from early childhood and my hometown, a few from college era, a few from Army era, a plethora of old roomates, a gaggle of coworkers, and a shitload of other cool people who have graced my path.

People come and go in our lives… and some, we never want to see go… And such is life, but the fact remains… none of it really matters, unless we are each striving to become the best that we can be.

John Wooden’s Father told him, “Son, Don’t ever try to be better than anyone else. Know that you never learned anything, except that which you learned from someone else. And always be the best you, that you can be.”

Well, the Jayhawks came out victorious… but who really cares? The best part is, that I got to talk shit to my sister, in a fun-loving way, that I got to spend time with some incredible people this evening, that Im grateful for my blessings… that I have great friends and family… and that I have love in my heart, gratitude in my soul, thoughts in my brain, and money in the bank.

Hey everyone. Make shit happen. Cultivate greatness. Cultivate greatness. Cultivate greatness. And find the love of your life. And grow. And live. And love.

& Rock the party.

©Travis Wright - Cultivate Greatness

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