life hacks
by Napoleon Hill 拿破崙希爾

One man who lost his entire fortune during the depression that began in 1929 was courageous enough to enumerate the benefits he gained from his loss.一位失去了他的整個財富,在抑鬱症開始於1929年,是勇於列舉的好處,他獲得了由他的損失。

“Through the loss of material fortune I discovered an intangible fortune of such huge proportion that it cannot be estimated in terms of material things.” “透過損失的物質財富,我發現了一個無形的財富這麼大的比例,它無法估計,在物質的東西” 。

“The depression which started during the year 1929 was the cause of my greatest defeat; yet it brought about my noblest victory, for it introduced me to a philosophy of life that will take the sting out of all future defeats.” “抑鬱症開始在1929年,是事業的我最大的失敗,但它帶來的,我最崇高的勝利,因為它介紹了我一個人生哲學認為,將採取刺出未來所有的失敗” 。

“It deprived me of my money and other property, but it taught me that absolute independence is a theory only; that every one is dependent upon others in one way or another, through life, regardless of his material riches.” “它剝奪了我,我的錢或其他財產,但它教我絕對獨立是一個理論只;每一位的是取決於其他一種或另一種方式,通過生活中,無論其物質財富” 。

“It taught me the futility of worrying over circumstances beyond one’s control.” “它教我是徒勞的憂慮超過不能控制的情況下1的控制” 。

“That fear can be spread, like an epidemic, by mass thought and talk.” “這種擔心可以蔓延,像一個疫情,由群眾思想和對話” 。

“That any circumstances which forces one, or inspires one to use his own Personal Initiative with Definiteness of Purpose is beneficial.” “任何情況下,部隊一,或激勵一個用他自己的個人主動與定性的目的是有益的” 。

“That money and real estate and other material things can become worthless through fear and a negative mental attitude toward the world at large.” “金錢和不動產及其他物質的東西可以成為一文不值的通過產生恐懼和消極的心態走向世界大” 。

“That the dominating thoughts of one’s mind have a definite way of clothing themselves in their appropriate physical equivalent, whether the thoughts are positive or negative.” “的主導思想,一個人的心目中有一定的方式,服裝本身在其適當的物理當量,是否思考是正面或負面的” 。

“There is no such reality as something for nothing, either in the affairs of men or the realm of natural laws.” “有沒有這樣的現實的東西是什麼,無論是在國際事務中的男性或境界自然法則” 。

“That a business conducted under the Golden Rule will survive a depression where those conducted without this principle cannot survive.” “業務下進行的金科玉律,將生存抑鬱症的情況下進行的,沒有這個原則,無法生存” 。

“That it is more blessed to render useful service, and more profitable than to demand something for nothing through government subsidies or public charity.” “這是受更為有福提供有用的服務,和更有利可圖超過需求的東西是什麼,通過政府補貼或公共慈善機構” 。

“That both success and failure originate in the mind, as a result of one’s dominating thoughts.” “無論成功與失敗起源於心,作為一個結果,一個人的主導思想” 。

“That a man’s greatest blessing may consist in his greatest sorrow.” “一名男子的最大的祝福可能在他最大的悲哀” 。

“That there is one human being on whom one can depend, without disappointment, in time of adversity, and this is one’s self.” “有一個人對其中一人可以依靠,沒有令人失望的是,在時間的逆境,這是一個人的自我” 。