by Kate Dailey 由凱特戴利
1. 1 。 If your throat tickles, scratch your ear! 如果您的喉嚨tickles ,從無到有,您的耳朵!

When you were 9, playing your armpit was a cool trick.當你9 ,發揮你的腋下是一個冷靜的伎倆。 Now, as an adult, you can still appreciate a good body-based feat, but you’re more discriminating.現在,作為一個成人,你仍然可以欣賞強健的體魄為基礎的壯舉,但是您更多的歧視。 Take that tickle in your throat; it’s not worth gagging over.採取這一tickle在您的咽喉,它的不值得噎。 Here’sa better way to scratch your itch: “When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm,” says Scott Schaffer, MD, president of an ear, nose, and throat specialty center in Gibbsboro, New Jersey.以下是更好的方式來從無到有,您的癢: “當神經在耳刺激,它會產生反射在喉嚨,可以造成肌肉痙攣,說: ”斯科特schaffer ,醫學博士,主席一耳,鼻,咽喉專業中心在gibbsboro ,新澤西州。 “This spasm relieves the tickle.” “這痙攣解除tickle ” 。

2. 2 。 Experience supersonic hearing! 超音速的經驗,聽證會!

If you’re stuck chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right ear.如果您堅持了一個聊天mumbler在酒會,精益在與您的右耳。 It’s better than your left at following the rapid rhythms of speech, according to researchers at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.它的總比你的左邊,在下面的快速節奏的講話,根據研究人員在加州大學洛杉磯分校大衛格芬醫學院的。 If, on the other hand, you’re trying to identify that song playing softly in the elevator, turn your left ear toward the sound.如果,在另一方面,您試圖找出這首歌發揮著溫柔,在電梯,把您的左耳對健全。 The left ear is better at picking up music tones.左耳是更好地回升音樂鈴聲。

3. 3 。 Overcome your most primal urge! 克服你的最原始呼籲!

Need to pee?需要工程師? No bathroom nearby?沒有浴室附近? Fantasize about Jessica Simpson.幻想潔西卡辛普森。 Thinking about sex preoccupies your brain, so you won’t feel as much discomfort, says Larry Lipshultz, MD, chief of male reproductive medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine.思考性別關心你的大腦,所以你不會感到不適,多說,拉里lipshultz ,海事處,行政男性生殖醫學在貝勒醫學院的。 For best results, try Simpson’s “These Boots Are Made for Walking” video.為獲得最佳效果,嘗試辛普森的“這些靴子是為散步”的影片。

4. 4 。 Feel no pain! 沒有疼痛的感覺!

German researchers have discovered that coughing during an injection can lessen the pain of the needle stick.德國研究人員發現咳嗽期間,一注射液可以減輕疼痛的針頭刺傷。 According to Taras Usichenko, author of a study on the phenomenon, the trick causes a sudden, temporary rise in pressure in the chest and spinal canal, inhibiting the pain-conducting structures of the spinal cord.據塔拉斯usichenko ,作者的一份研究報告的現象,把戲的原因,突然,臨時增加的壓力,在胸部及椎管內,抑制疼痛的傳導結構的脊髓。

5. 5 。 Clear your stuffed nose! 清除您的塞進鼻子!

Forget Sudafed.忘記sudafed 。 An easier, quicker, and cheaper way to relieve sinus pressure is by alternately thrusting your tongue against the roof of your mouth, then pressing between your eyebrows with one finger.一個更便捷,更快速,更便宜的方式,以紓緩竇壓力是由交替逆衝您對母語的屋頂上你的口,然後按下您的眉毛之間,與一指禪。 This causes the vomer bone, which runs through the nasal passages to the mouth, to rock back and forth, says Lisa DeStefano, DO, an assistant professor at the Michigan State University college of osteopathic medicine.這將導致vomer骨,貫穿鼻腔通道,以口耳相傳,搖滾反反复复說,麗莎destefano ,這樣做,助理教授,在密歇根州立大學學院骨科醫學。 The motion loosens congestion; after 20 seconds, you’ll feel your sinuses start to drain.議案放鬆的擠塞情況;後20秒,您覺得您的鼻竇開始流失。

6. 6 。 Fight fire without water! 救火沒有水!

Worried those wings will repeat on you tonight?擔心那些翅膀會重複對你今晚? “Sleep on your left side,” says Anthony A. Starpoli, MD, a New York City gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at New York Medical College. “睡在你的左邊,說: ”安東尼答: starpoli ,海事處,一個新的紐約市gastroenterologist和助理醫學教授在紐約醫學院。 Studies have shown that patients who sleep on their left sides are less likely to suffer from acid reflux.研究表明,病人睡在他們的左右兩側是不太可能患上胃酸倒流。 The esophagus and stomach connect at an angle.食道和胃連接在一個角度。 When you sleep on your right, the stomach is higher than the esophagus, allowing food and stomach acid to slide up your throat.當你睡在您的權利,胃是高於食管,使食物和胃酸,以幻燈片您的咽喉。 When you’re on your left, the stomach is lower than the esophagus, so gravity’s in your favor.當您在您的左邊,胃是低於食管,使重力的在您的青睞。

7. 7 。 Cure your toothache without opening your mouth! 治好牙痛不打開你的口!

Just rub ice on the back of your hand, on the V-shaped webbed area between your thumb and index finger.剛才擦冰在背部,您的手,對V形蹼之間的地區,您的拇指和食指。 A Canadian study found that this technique reduces toothache pain by as much as 50 percent compared with using no ice.加拿大研究發現,這種技術減少牙痛疼痛的高達50 %相比,與使用沒有冰。 The nerve pathways at the base of that V stimulate an area of the brain that blocks pain signals from the face and hands.神經通路在該基地的表示, v刺激腦部區域阻止疼痛信號從面部和手。

8. 8 。 Make burns disappear! 使燒傷消失!

When you accidentally singe your finger on the stove, clean the skin and apply light pressure with the finger pads of your unmarred hand.當您不小心單一您的手指放在爐灶,清潔皮膚,適用於光壓與手指港口及機場發展策略您的unmarred手。 Ice will relieve your pain more quickly, Dr. DeStefano says, but since the natual method brings the burned skin back to a normal temperature, the skin is less likely to blister.冰將減輕你的疼痛更迅速,博士destefano說,但由於natual方法,使燒傷皮膚恢復正常溫度下,皮膚是不太可能生殖器皰疹。

9. 9 。 Stop the world from spinning! 停止從紡紗世界!

One too many drinks left you dizzy?一太多飲料,離開你頭暈? Put your hand on something stable.把你的手對一些穩定。 The part of your ear responsible for balance — the cupula — floats in a fluid of the same density as blood.部分您的耳朵負責平衡-c upula-彩車在一個流體的密度相同的血液。 “As alcohol dilutes blood in the cupula, the cupula becomes less dense and rises,” says Dr. Schaffer. “作為酒精稀釋血液,在cupula , cupula成為密度較低和上升,博士說: ” schaffer 。 This confuses your brain.這混淆了你的大腦。 The tactile input from a stable object gives the brain a second opinion, and you feel more in balance.觸覺投入,從一個穩定的對象給出了腦的第二個意見,您覺得更多的平衡。 Because the nerves in the hand are so sensitive, this works better than the conventional foot-on-the-floor wisdom.因為神經的手是如此的敏感,這工程優於常規腳就- -樓的智慧。

10. 10 。 Unstitch your side! unstitch貴方!

If you’re like most people, when you run, you exhale as your right foot hits the ground.如果您最喜歡的人,當您運行,你呼出作為您的右腳打地面。 This puts downward pressure on your liver (which lives on your right side), which then tugs at the diaphragm and creates a side stitch, according to The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Men.這使得下調壓力,您的肝臟(即生活在您的右邊) ,然後牽動著膈肌,並創建一個方針,根據醫生的書家的補救措施,為男性。 The fix: Exhale as your left foot strikes the ground.該修補程序:呼出作為您的左腳罷工地面。

11. 11 。 Stanch blood with a single finger! 堅定的血液與一個單一的手指!

Pinching your nose and leaning back is a great way to stop a nosebleed — if you don’t mind choking on your own O positive.吝嗇你的鼻子和傾向回是一個偉大的方式阻止鼻出血-如果你不介意哽塞在您自己的o正面的。 A more civil approach: Put some cotton on your upper gums — just behind that small dent below your nose — and press against it, hard.更公務員的辦法:把一些棉對您的牙齦上-僅僅落後小凹下方的鼻子-並按下反對,勤奮。 “Most bleeds come from the front of the septum, the cartilage wall that divides the nose,” says Peter Desmarais, MD, an ear, nose, and throat specialist at Entabeni Hospital, in Durban, South Africa. “最流血來自前線的中隔,軟骨的牆,把鼻子,說: ”彼得戴馬雷,海事處,一耳,鼻,喉專科在entabeni醫院,在南非德班舉行。 “Pressing here helps stop them.” “迫切的在這裡幫助制止他們” 。

12. 12 。 Make your heart stand still! 讓您的心臟的立場仍然!

Trying to quell first-date jitters?試圖平息第一日期的不安? Blow on your thumb.打擊在您的拇指。 The vagus nerve, which governs heart rate, can be controlled through breathing, says Ben Abo, an emergency medical- services specialist at the University of Pittsburgh.迷走神經,其中執政的心率,是可以控制的,通過呼吸,說本ABO血型,緊急醫療服務的專科在美國匹茲堡大學的。 It’ll get your heart rate back to normal.它可以讓您的心率恢復正常。

13. 13 。 Thaw your brain! 解凍你的大腦!

Too much Chipwich too fast will freeze the brains of lesser men.太多chipwich太快,將凍結的大腦較輕的男子。 As for you, press your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as much as you can.至於你,按你的舌頭單位對屋頂您的口耳相傳,涵蓋高達你可以。 “Since the nerves in the roof of your mouth get extremely cold, your body thinks your brain is freezing, too,” says Abo. “由於神經在世界屋脊你的口腔得到極度寒冷,你的身體認為你的大腦是凍結,也說: ” ABO血型。 “In compensating, it overheats, causing an ice-cream headache.” The more pressure you apply to the roof of your mouth, the faster your headache will subside. “在補償,它過熱,造成一雪榚令人頭痛的問題。 ”更大的壓力,您適用於屋頂你的口,更快的將您的頭痛平息。

14. 14 。 Prevent near-sightedness! 防止近近視!

Poor distance vision is rarely caused by genetics, says Anne Barber, OD, an optometrist in Tacoma, Washington.窮人的距離,理想是很少所造成的遺傳學說,安妮理髮,外徑,視光師在塔科馬,華盛頓。 “It’s usually caused by near-point stress.” In other words, staring at your computer screen for too long. “這通常是因近點的壓力。 ”換句話說,盯著電腦屏幕太久。 So flex your way to 20/20 vision.因此,柔性用自己的方式20/20視野。 Every few hours during the day, close your eyes, tense your body, take a deep breath, and, after a few seconds, release your breath and muscles at the same time.每幾個小時在白天,閉上眼睛,緊張,你的身體,採取深呼吸,並在幾秒鐘後,釋放你的呼吸和肌肉在同一時間內。 Tightening and releasing muscles such as the biceps and glutes can trick involuntary muscles — like the eyes — into relaxing as well.加強和釋放的肌肉,如肱二頭肌和glutes可以自願肌肉的把戲-像眼睛-到放寬,以及。

15. 15 。 Wake the dead! 隨著死亡!

If your hand falls asleep while you’re driving or sitting in an odd position, rock your head from side to side.如果您的手屬於睡著,而您駕駛,或坐,在一奇數的立場,岩石在你的頭上,從側側。 It’ll painlessly banish your pins and needles in less than a minute, says Dr. DeStefano.它會painlessly放逐您的腳和針頭,在不到一分鐘,博士說, destefano 。 A tingly hand or arm is often the result of compression in the bundle of nerves in your neck; loosening your neck muscles releases the pressure. 1 tingly手或手臂通常是由於壓縮,在神經束在您的頸部;放鬆頸部肌肉,釋放壓力。 Compressed nerves lower in the body govern the feet, so don’t let your sleeping dogs lie.壓縮神經,降低在體內的執政英尺,所以不要讓你睡狗的謊言。 Stand up and walk around.站起來走動。

16. 16 。 Impress your friends! 您留下深刻的印象,朋友們!

Next time you’re at a party, try this trick: Have a person hold one arm straight out to the side, palm down, and instruct him to maintain this position.下一次您是在黨,嘗試這一招:有一個人持有一隻手臂直接向一邊,手掌向下,並指示他能夠維持這個地位。 Then place two fingers on his wrist and push down.然後的地方,兩個手指對他的手腕及推低。 He’ll resist.他將抵制。 Now have him put one foot on a surface that’sa half inch higher (a few magazines) and repeat.現在,他把一隻腳就表面that'sa二分之一英寸高(一數,雜誌)和重複。 This time his arm will cave like the French.這個時候他的手臂將洞穴一樣,法語。 By misaligning his hips, you’ve offset his spine, says Rachel Cosgrove, CSCS, co-owner of Results Fitness, in Santa Clarita, California.由misaligning他的臀部,您所抵消他的脊柱,雷切爾科斯格羅夫說,社區體育會,共同擁有人健身的結果,在聖塔克拉瑞塔,加利福尼亞州。 Your brain senses that the spine is vulnerable, so it shuts down the body’s ability to resist.你的大腦感官說,脊柱是脆弱的,所以關機身體的抵抗能力。

17. 17 。 Breathe underwater! 水下呼吸!

If you’re dying to retrieve that quarter from the bottom of the pool, take several short breaths first — essentially, hyperventilate.如果您垂死檢索該季從底部的游泳池,需時數短的呼吸第一-基本上, h yperventilate。 When you’re underwater, it’s not a lack of oxygen that makes you desperate for a breath; it’s the buildup of carbon dioxide, which makes your blood acidic, which signals your brain that somethin’ ain’t right.當您在水下,它不是一個缺乏氧氣,使你絕望的呼氣;它的建設的二氧化碳,這使得你的血液酸性,其中信號您的大腦somethin '是不正確的。 “When you hyperventilate, the influx of oxygen lowers blood acidity,” says Jonathan Armbruster, Ph.D., an associate professor of biology at Auburn University. “當你hyperventilate ,湧入的氧氣,降低血液的酸度,說: ”喬納森armbruster ,博士,副教授生物學在奧本大學。 “This tricks your brain into thinking it has more oxygen.” It’ll buy you up to 10 seconds. “這招數你的大腦,以為它有更多的氧氣。 ”它會購買您最多可有10秒。

18. 18 。 Read minds! 閱讀的頭腦!

Your own!您自己! “If you’re giving a speech the next day, review it before falling asleep,” says Candi Heimgartner, an instructor of biological sciences at the University of Idaho. “如果您給了講話第二天,檢討前入睡,說: ” candi heimgartner ,一指導員生物科學在大學的愛達荷州。 Since most memory consolidation happens during sleep, anything you read right before bed is more likely to be encoded as long-term memory.由於大部分的記憶鞏固發生在睡眠期間,任何您閱讀的權利之前,床是更有可能被編碼為長期記憶。