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The $100 Bill in Wallet Project

13 08 2006

Hundred Dollar Bills, Y'all

It occured to me the other day, that money flows FROM my wallet, and FROM my bank. Noticing this, I started thinking, if I am constantly GIVING money to others with money GOING from my wallet to others, how is this affecting my attraction of money into my life.

Later that night, I picked up the latest book I am reading, “Ask and it is Given”, by Esther Hicks… the next chapter was…

“Process #15: The Wallet Process”

This process, from the book Ask and it is Givencan be used when you want to increase the flow of money in your life or improve the way you feel about money.

Put a $100 bill in your wallet or purse and keep it there without actually spending it. Remember and feel positive about the fact that it is there. Throughout the day (or days) imagine all the ways you might spend it as you go about your day and as you pass stores, etc. “Each time you acknowledge that you have the power, right there in your wallet, to purchase this or to do that, over and over again you add to your sense of financial well-being, so your point of attraction begins to shift.”

The book goes on to give examples of things that will happen as you do this, ways in which money and opportunities will come effortlessly to you, etc. This process makes sense as it is a conscious thought process of NOT spending money and actually bringing money towards you, instead of seeing it always leave you.

In the process of doing this, you could theoretically spend $1000-$2000 in one day. This will allow you the enjoyment of ‘buying’ much more than the $100 would allow you to spend. The project will start a tidal-wave of change in your financial psyche, thus creating a new attraction in your life, in which money flows TO you instead of FROM you.

These practices cost nothing and are simple to do. For a full description of the processes and more check out the book: Ask and it is Given

©Travis Wright -

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