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23 09 2006

by Dr. Ernest Holmes

Written in 1927 by Dr. Ernest Holmes, Founder of Religious Science and author of “The Science of Mind.” “What I Believe.” These statements reflect the core concepts of the Science of Mind teaching and contain within them Universal Spiritual Principles.
Dr. Carlton Whitehead, stated that were we to read these statements over completely each day, we would begin to experience great changes in our lives almost immediately.

WHAT I BELIEVE by Dr. Ernest Holmes

I believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and self-existent cause. This One manifests Itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.

I believe in the incarnation of Spirit in everyone and that all people are incarnations of the One Spirit. I believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.

I believe that Heaven is within me and that I experience It to the degree that I become conscious of it.

I believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete emancipation from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.

I believe in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God.

I believe
that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling Presence.

I believe
in the direct revelation of Truth through the intuitive and spiritual nature of the individual, and that any person may become a revealer of Truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.

I believe that the Universal Spirit, which is God, operates through a Universal Mind, which is the Law of God; and that I am surrounded by this Creative Mind which receives the direct impress of my thought and acts upon it.

I believe in the healing of the sick through the power of this Mind. I believe in the control of conditions through the power of this Mind. I believe in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-Kindness, and the eternal Giving-ness of Life to all.

I believe
in my own soul, my own spirit and my own destiny; for I understand that the life of all is God.

And So It Is.

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