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Meditation An Overall View

10 10 2006

by Jason Story

So you think that meditation is a more effective way of going to sleep than counting sheep? Well for some, that may be true. However, for those who practice meditation with a strong conviction, the benefits of meditation are far greater than being able to sleep fast. Basically, meditation has been designed to help people free their mind from lifes constant conflicts. It promises to give people a deeper sense of relaxation and a higher control of themselves. The benefits of meditation even includes understanding ones self as it is viewed to be a process that will lead people to self-awareness.

Scientific studied even found explanations to confirm some benefits of meditation. These studies point out that meditation shift the brains activity from the stress-prone part to the calmer part of the brain. This mind exercise lessens the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. They further found out that the brain processes lesser fear due to the changes in the brains activities.

The benefits of meditation that most people find very helpful. One is, it actually releases a person from the bondage of past traumas which causes a feeling of having unfinished business, and hindering present growth. Through this, one can also enjoy the little joys that each moment brings.

Deep meditation however is often mistakenly assumed with having to sit perfectly erect in legs intertwined uncomfortably and washing all thoughts from the minds, or having a complete one-pointed concentration. This is simply not so. Deep meditation for different people may vary, and each of them may have their own ways and practices of meditating, but whatever way or practice they have chosen, the aim will always be more or less the same, achieving inner peace and happiness.

For some people, deep meditation is simply about not doing. They just get themselves deeply relaxed, the body lying down comfortably on the back, listening to beautiful, flowing music and just letting go. They form a perfect state of mind for more traditional meditation, such as prayer or just enjoying the wonderful energy coursing through the body.

Daily meditation is advisable. If you have a strong commitment and conviction for it, you will achieve a very unique feeling of being able to leave the moment. People who have been through this will tell you that it is a feeling of utter bliss where the mind is clear and clean.

meditation is a healthy spiritual practice and a good addition to your life. It allows you to connect with your inner self and take you to a deeper state of relaxation. However, if you suggest meditation session with those who have no idea what it really is, youd get their no thanks faster than they would have said it when asked to jump off the bridge.

jason story has been devoted to meditation and Pilates for over 4 years and employs Winsor Pilates day after day. jason likewise gets pleasure from composing editorials about Winsor’s Pilates.

Copyright Jason Story -

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