CG Podcast #004 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #03/16 - Self Confidence

October 28, 2023

by Travis Wright

Lesson Three in the Law of Success Podcast Series. Before Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote a series of sixteen lessons, called The Law of Success, which were designed to teach fifteen principles of successful living to students, starting at the high school level. I am going through each lesson and creating a podcast about each lesson in Hill’s Law of Success. This is episode 3 of our 16 part series. [click here to add to iTunes]

podcast Podcast #004 Napoleon Hill Law of Success - Lesson 3 Self-Confidence

Lesson 3 - Self Confidence (77 pages)

- The deadly enemy of your progress…which I guarantee that you are feeling right now.
- Your six basic fears…and how you can extinguish them from your life for good.
- The two Laws of your heredity…and how they affect your confidence.
- Why you have no grounds whatsoever for fearing poverty.
- How your life will be plagued by uncertainty if you let these two things ‘die’.
- Why the worst thing you can do for your children is give them an ‘easy’ life.
- The amazing five-point confidence formula that will guarantee you unbreakable self-confidence.
- The hidden force inside you that, once unleashed, will give you unlimited belief in your abilities.
- The law of mental telepathy…and how you can use it to your advantage.

To read this whole chapter online, please check out Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success page or just purchase the 2 volume series at

Law 1 - Introduction - CG Podcast

Law 2 - A Definite Chief Aim

Law 3 - Self-Confidence

Upcoming Podcasts

Law 4 - The Habit Of Saving

Law 5 - Initiative and Leadership

Law 6 - Imagination

Law 7 - Enthusiasm

Law 8 - Self-Control

Law 9 - The Habit Of Doing More Than Paid For

Law 10 - Develop A Pleasing Personality

Law 11 - Accurate Thought

Law 12 - Concentration

Law 13 - Co-operation

Law 14 - Failure

Law 15 - Tolerance

Law 16 - The Golden Rule

Subscribe to Cultivate Greatness via iTunes!

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4 Responses to “CG Podcast #004 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #03/16 - Self Confidence”

  1. Investing World Today » Festival of Investing - October 31, 2023 on October 31st, 2006 11:04 am

    [...] Travis Wright presents CG Podcast #004 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #03/16 - Self Confidence posted at Cultivate Greatness, saying, “This is Lesson 3 - Self-Confidence in the Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series from | Personal Development Blog” [...]

  2. Tom Bailey on November 10th, 2006 10:30 am

    I really enjoy reading Think and Grow Rich over and over. The Podcast idea sounds good. It is incredible after so many years his material is still so valuable to people.

  3. Evolving Times » Law of Attraction Carnival # 6: The Power of Intention on November 14th, 2006 6:29 pm

    [...] And while this episode of the Napoleon Hill podcast series over at Cultivate Greatness is not specifically focused on intention, Napoleon Hill was most definitely a believer in the power of Intention. So, if you haven’t already done so, go check out Travis Wright’s Law of Success podcast series. [...]

  4. Betty Mingo on November 23rd, 2007 8:03 pm

    I would like to know how I can purchase the entire volume of napolen Hill laws of sucess?

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