Cultivate Greatness Blog Success & Growth Carnival #6, Nov 13th 2006

November 13, 2023

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Here we are with the 6th edition of the Success Blog Carnival at Cultivate Greatness. I would like to thank each and everyone who submitted articles, we are consistently growing and sharing valuable information. This is by far, the MOST articles that I have ever seen on a blogcarnival. Thank you so much for submitting your works for all of us to grow from!

Without further adeiu, welcome to the November 13th, 2006 edition of The Success & Growth Blogcarnival…

Business Development

John Buehler presents Rebuilding Eden - The 3rd Channel » So, You’re Starting a Small Business posted at Rebuilding Eden.

Michael presents 7 Steps To Making The Money You Deserve posted at, saying, “A shorter article revealing 7 steps to making the money you deserve”

Jack Yoest presents 6 Reasons Not To Show Up For Your Radio Or TV Appearance posted at Reasoned Audacity, saying, “Woody Allen once said that 80 per cent of success is showing up.
And to succeed in business as well as show business: you must show up.

Your Business Blogger was observing (and trying to stay out of the way of) a radio and blogger row a few weeks ago at the Family Research Council Briefing. We were lucky — guests and hosts seem to link up with minimal scheduling challenges.

But this is becoming somewhat more unusual.

Your Business Blogger is seeing a most disturbing trend: Guests who don’t show.”

Peter Kua presents 2006: The year venture capitalists adore freemiums posted at

Jack Yoest presents Any PR is good, As Long As They Spell Your Name Right posted at Reasoned Audacity, saying, “When you tangle with print, radio, or visual media your name and identifiers are sometimes going to be mangled. It is not always deliberate. Donald Rumsfeld, Our Secretary of Defense, says to never confuse a conspiracy with incompetence.

But how does one tell the difference?”

Joseph presents Make $20 an hour on eBay posted at help with everything.

Slade presents Your Business in One Sentence posted at PageCoach.

Profit Geek presents Profit Geek posted at Profit Geek Blog - Make more Money, saying, “The most current post deals with 50 ways to get people to your website.”

Jane Chin presents Improv and Three Secrets to Success posted at Jane Chin PhD.

David Stoddard presents Search And Ye Shall Find - Something posted at Simply Unmotivated Success, saying, “What are you looking for? It may just be right in front of you.”

Brandon Peele presents Leadership Revisited posted at GT.

Hueina Su presents Secret Language of Relationships posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul, saying, “You know how many couples seem to have their own secret language, or speak in “code”? Many couples tend to believe that their mate can/should read their mind, which causes unnecessary misunderstanding, conflicts, resentment and stress. Try being assertive with compassion and respect instead.”

isabella mori presents in the flow posted at change therapy, saying, “if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email! thanks for doing this!”

Jane Chin presents Most Important Quality in a Coach posted at On Careers and Life.

Brandon Peele presents Primacy of Being posted at GT.

Brandon Peele presents What the Media Industry Tells Us About Business Strategy and Our Lives posted at GT.


David Maister presents Repairing Fences posted at Passion, People and Principles.

Madeleine Begun Kane presents How To Disorganize Your Life posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog, saying, “self-help humor”

Victor Fam presents Millionaire Factors posted at Victor Fam.

David Maister presents Bob Sutton’s ‘No Asshole Rule’ posted at Passion, People and Principles.

John Buehler presents Rebuilding Eden - The 3rd Channel » Technology Addiction posted at Rebuilding Eden.

Lickhau Loo presents What Holds People Back in Succeeding Internet MLM posted at Internet MLM Development.

Christine Kane presents 10 Things to Do When the Dirt Comes Up posted at Christine Kane.

Patricia presents How To Overcome Loneliness, During The Holidays Or Any Time posted at Patricia.

Blog Success

Game Producer presents The 3 Secrets of Efficient Blogging posted at Game Producer.

David Maister presents Are we too negative? posted at Passion, People and Principles.

Book Reviews

Manny presents Success Books: Success Book Review: “How Successful People Win” posted at Success Books, saying, “Ben Stein’s “How Successful People Win” is an instant classic, written by a genuine success master in many fields.”

Sarakastic presents Who would’ve thought? posted at Fibromyalgia Experiment, saying, “Bengal Tiger+Life Raft= Inspiring.”


Conan Stevens presents A Practical Guide To Success And Personal Development » Blog Archive » How To Ask The Right Question To Get The Right Answer posted at Conan Stevens - successful at many things talking about life, saying, “Everyone wants answers, but the answers to what? Choosing the right questions will give you better, more usable answers.”

Career & Work

TrustedAdvisor presents Trust Tip #27—The Meaning of the Word posted at Trust Matters, saying, “Executive Educator Charles H. Green offers advice on how to infuse trust into communications as a staple of building business relationships.”

Ravi Raman presents The Dangers of Multi-Tasking | Set Higher Standards posted at Set Higher Standards, saying, “This article is about multi-tasking, how it can be counterproductive to leading a successful life, and how to keep from doing it all the time!”

David Maister presents Innovations about Innovating posted at Passion, People and Principles, saying, “One of the first lessons I was taught at business school was: “Most innovations fail, but companies that don’t innovate die.” The same is true for individual careers.”


oovs presents Developing Charisma - Lessons from The Dog Whisperer posted at LifeTraining - Online.

Mary Jo Manzanares presents How to Ease the Pain of Embarrassment posted at Leadership Turn.

Rodger Constandse presents Impossible? Ben Underwood Begs to Differ posted at Personal Development Blog, saying, “Inspirational story of blind teenager”

My Bubble Life presents Don’t Let Fear Steal Your Dream posted at My Bubble Life, saying, “One of the biggest barriers to success is fear. When we confront our fear of failure, great things start to happen.”


Court Demone presents An Immediate Boredom Cure posted at Personal Development- Funkified.

Court Demone presents Philosophy Hunting posted at Personal Development- Funkified.

Victor Fam presents Beyond Total Responsibility posted at Victor Fam.

Peter Kua presents Is yoga a myth? posted at

Continuing Education

Victor Fam presents PhotoReading - Read Faster and Efficiently posted at Victor Fam.

Jason Dutt presents The Business of You posted at Jason Dutt, saying, “Thanks!”

Brad Detchevery presents Will 2007 bring a Remarkable New Motorcycle? posted at, saying, “Author/Credit is known as JohnnyRed”

Erich Jaeckel presents How to Read People - Part 1 of 3 posted at LifeTraining - Online.

Courage & Fear

Hueina Su presents Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: The Missing Ingredient posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul, saying, “The original meaning of the word “courage” is “the ability to stand by one’s heart”. Making changes in life takes risks and courage. However most people avoid taking risks. The trick is to change your mindset about change, and use the right strategies for taking the necessary risks…”

Erek Ostrowski presents Facing the Unknown posted at Verve Coaching.


Alexander Becker presents WOW: The Pareto Principle vs. the Necessity of the Unnecessary posted at WOW, saying, “Comparison determines quality.”

Credit Repair

Joseph presents penny-pinching posted at How to save money.

Cultivate Greatness

Hueina Su presents From Self Sacrifice to Self Love posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul, saying, “Most people avoid being perceived as selfish at all cost, and they put their own happiness & self-worth at the mercy of others. They try to “prove their love” by self sacrifice, hoping the other person will love them back & make them happy. The truth is, you will never be happy unless you have enough love for yourself. I invite you to make the shift from self sacrifice to self love.”

Victor Fam presents Responsible For Our Thoughts posted at Victor Fam.

Edward Mills presents Split Testing for Personal Growth posted at Edward Mills.

Finnegan Lane presents Don’t Miss This Web 2.0 Dot-Com Boom posted at The Digerati Life.


Steve Johnson presents The Incredible Power Of Failure posted at The Fast Lane, saying, “On why failure is a good thing”

Erek Ostrowski presents Being Effective With People: Part 1 (Listening) posted at Verve Coaching.

Debra Moorhead presents Wake up and Create the Life You Want posted at Debra

David Maister presents Marines and Mercenaries posted at Passion, People and Principles.

Steve Olson presents The Seven-Lesson School Teacher posted at Steve Olson.


Victor Fam presents The Risk Of Missed Opportunities posted at Victor Fam.

Joe Donnachie presents The Clown’s Favourite Word posted at Pursuing Health and Happiness.

karmelbrown presents removing the clutter posted at Dee, saying, “To be successful, you must think, talk and walk success each and every day.”

SpiKe presents Someday/Maybe And 101 In 1001 posted at Organize IT.

Steve Peters presents Giving up too easily: Success and Failure posted at Steves Goal, saying, “How to keep motivated when you want to stop trying.”

Travis Farnes presents Get Motivated and Stay Motivated! posted at Self Improvement with Travis Farnes.

Renata Vincoletto presents Things you can do and learn with your child posted at A geek Family.

Personal Finance

Matt Hutter presents How To Get A Raise in 15 Minutes posted at, saying, “This article shows how anyone can seriously trim their finances to the point of effectively giving themself a raise! Without ever talking to their boss.”

Andy Oshiro presents How i plan on buying a home at the age of 25 posted at Andy.

Bryan C. Fleming presents Making Bigger Commitments (Day 79) posted at Bryan C. Fleming, saying, “This is an update to wildy successful Million Dollar Savings Club”


Ravi Raman presents The Power of Affirmation posted at Set Higher Standards, saying, “This post is about affirmations, validation and their role in shaping our destiny.”

Jason Dutt presents Success = Happy. posted at Jason Dutt, saying, “Thanks Travis!”

Andy Smith presents The 7 Biggest Mistakes In Goal Setting (and how to avoid them): #1 posted at Practical EQ: Andy Smith’s Emotional Intelligence And NLP Weblog.

My Bubble Life presents GTD Hack - The Bubble List - Free PDF posted at My Bubble Life, saying, “Excellent review of The Bubble List and how to use it.”

Victor Fam presents Think And Grow Rich - Desire posted at Victor Fam.

Andy Oshiro presents Desire to Retire: “3 things to consider when think… posted at Andy, saying, “Hello, im very new to blogging and i wanted to see what people thought about my article. Please include my article so i can get start contributing to the blogging community!”

My Bubble Life presents Benjamin Franklin’s Faithful Plan posted at My Bubble Life, saying, “Learn a great technique from one of our founding fathers.”

David presents What is the secret of success? posted at Worldwide Success.

Peter Kua presents Product innovation: Revisiting the formula of product leaders posted at

John Hill presents Law of Compensation posted at Universe Of Success.

Travis Farnes presents I don’t do jobs! Be an avid job avoider. posted at Self Improvement with Travis Farnes.

steven aitchison presents Attempted suicide - a turning point posted at Change your thoughts, saying, “’ve never really spoke about my attempted suicide since I tried it all those years ago. I was a different person. At the time life to me was a jacket that did not fit and for years I had felt this way.”

Mike Murray presents The Danger of a Toxic Metaphor - Episteme posted at Episteme - Belief. Knowledge. Wisdom., saying, “We learn and grow by metaphor - the danger of choosing the wrong one is almost impossible to overestimate.”

James D. Brausch presents Are You Being A Good Guy Or A Plain Old Procrastinator posted at

TrustedAdvisor presents Credibility, Ignorance and Trust posted at Trust Matters, saying, “Being willing to acknowledge obvious ignorance creates rather than destroys credibility.”

Phil B. presents Web 2.0 versus AdSense posted at Phil for Humanity, saying, “This week, I had an unintentional experiment with my small blog, Google’s AdSense, and Web 2.0, and I would like to know if my results are what everyone else is seeing too.”

Time Management

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Contending With Time posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog, saying, “Humor about Time Management”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
a success blog & growth carnival |
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page.

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2 Responses to “Cultivate Greatness Blog Success & Growth Carnival #6, Nov 13th 2006”

  1. Success and Growth BlogCarnival - Personal Development for Smart People Forums on November 13th, 2006 8:42 pm

    [...] Success and Growth BlogCarnival Hey all, I wanted to submit this for you guys to see, this issue, I had over 70 articles submissions to my Success and Growth BlogCarnival. » Cultivate Greatness Blog Success & Growth Carnival #6, Nov 13th 2006 Over 70 Submissions is Unreal. If you would like to submit an article for next issue feel free! We would all love to read it! Much Love- Travis Wright - __________________ Travis Wright | [...]

  2. The Seven-Lesson School Teacher | on November 13th, 2006 11:02 pm

    [...] This post has been listed on the Cultivate Growth and Blog Success Carnival at Cultivate Success. - Thanks Travis [...]

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