CG Podcast #006 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #04/16 - The Habit of Saving

November 14, 2023

by Travis Wright

Lesson Four in the Law of Success Podcast Series, The Habit of Saving! Before Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote a series of sixteen lessons, called The Law of Success, which were designed to teach fifteen principles of successful living to students, starting at the high school level. I am going through each lesson and creating a podcast about each lesson in Hill’s Law of Success. This is episode 4 of our 16 part series.

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podcast Podcast #006 Napoleon Hill Law of Success - Lesson 4 - The Habit of Saving

Lesson 4 - The Habit of Saving (68 pages)

- The Law of Habit…and how you automatically apply it.
- The simple two-step process to increase your earning power.
- How to think and talk your way to success.
- The two classes of debt…and which one you should avoid like the plague.
- Why a poverty consciousness will affect your health.
- The two-step process that will get rid of poverty for good.
- Why you think the wrong way around when you have some money.
- How saving can lead to success in other areas of your life.
- The shocking truth about the savings of 98% of people.
- How to assure your financial independence.

To read this whole chapter online, please check out Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success page or just purchase the 2 volume series at

Law 1 - Introduction - CG Podcast

Law 2 - A Definite Chief Aim

Law 3 - Self-Confidence

Law 4 - The Habit Of Saving

Upcoming Podcasts

Law 5 - Initiative and Leadership

Law 6 - Imagination

Law 7 - Enthusiasm

Law 8 - Self-Control

Law 9 - The Habit Of Doing More Than Paid For

Law 10 - Develop A Pleasing Personality

Law 11 - Accurate Thought

Law 12 - Concentration

Law 13 - Co-operation

Law 14 - Failure

Law 15 - Tolerance

Law 16 - The Golden Rule

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One Response to “CG Podcast #006 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #04/16 - The Habit of Saving”

  1. How has Napoleon Hill affected your thinking? - Personal Development for Smart People Forums on November 14th, 2006 10:47 am

    [...] Right on MyCroft, I appreciate that. That makes total sense. I have been unable to find anything to verify that other than what Brian Tracy had stated. Also, I put up Lesson 4 - The Habit of Saving up last night. » CG Podcast #006 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #04/16 - The Habit of Saving __________________ Travis Wright | [...]

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