CG Podcast #010 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #06/16 - Intolerance

April 30, 2023

by Travis Wright

podcast Podcast #0010 Napoleon Hill Law of Success - Lesson 6 - Intolerance

Lesson Six in the Law of Success Podcast Series, Intolerance!

Before Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote a series of sixteen lessons, called The Law of Success, which were designed to teach fifteen principles of successful living to students, starting at the high school level.

I am going through each lesson and creating a podcast about each lesson in Hill’s Law of Success. Tolerance is very important if you want to get things accomplished in your life. This is episode 6 in our 16 part series.

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Lesson 6 - Tolerance

- Why you should be aware of the two significant features of intolerance.
- Why your life is built upon bias and prejudice…and how you need to re-learn what you previously thought was the truth.
- Why children are more important to business than you think.
- The two things that are the foundation of enduring success.
- Why you don’t have the time to allow intolerance into your life.
- The lessons from a war built upon a lack of tolerance…and how you can profit from them.

To read this whole chapter online, please check out Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success page or just purchase the 2 volume series at

Law 1 - Introduction - CG Podcast

Law 2 - A Definite Chief Aim

Law 3 - Self-Confidence

Law 4 - The Habit Of Saving

Law 5 - Initiative and Leadership

Upcoming Podcasts
Law 6 - Imagination

Law 7 - Enthusiasm

Law 8 - Self-Control

Law 9 - The Habit Of Doing More Than Paid For

Law 10 - Develop A Pleasing Personality

Law 11 - Accurate Thought

Law 12 - Concentration

Law 13 - Co-operation

Law 14 - Failure

Law 15 - Tolerance

Law 16 - The Golden Rule

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One Response to “CG Podcast #010 - Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success Podcast Series #06/16 - Intolerance”

  1. ken Triat on May 6th, 2007 10:50 pm

    I was interested in you post as I hadn’t any prior knowledge of this 16 success training publication. I will follow with interest the rest of the lessons. It seem to be along the lines on the Law of Attraction principals that I promote on my web site yet seems to have a bit more body in the article. There’s a free 20page report on the site from Bob Proctor talking to Stephen Pierce that outlines the law of attraction points.

    Looking forward to the next article

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