Personal Development – What Level Are You At?

June 7, 2023

By Tom Kelly, PCC

Every person has a path of development. It helps to know where we are now on our path, and what we have yet to achieve. Do you know what personal development level you are at? Use the following 7 Levels of Personal Development to gauge where you are.
leadership training
Level 1 - The Restoration Level

At this level, you are healed from past traumas and free of addictions, compulsions, and attachments.

Level 2 - The Personal Foundation Level

When you have set high standards, have your personal needs met, and have established strong boundaries, you are at this level.

Level 3 - The Adult Level

At this level, you are internally motivated, have your finances in order, and are responsible for your self, as well as your life.

Level 4 - The Attraction Level

At this level, you are part of a nuturing community, have a strong, supportive network, and have a circle of at least 10 strong friends and family members.

Level 5 - The Values Level

At this level, you are clear as to what your passions are, have a career that reflects these passions, and you honor what you truly love to do.

Level 6 - The Fulfillment Level

At this level you have inner peace, are consistently happy, and are effortlessly present.

Level 7 - The Legacy Level

At this level, you are building and living your legacy. Your vision and purpose are clear, and you are contribution oriented.

So, what level do you find yourself at? Are you content where you are, or do you expect more from your life?

If you are ready to take it to the next level, maybe it’s time to invest in yourself!

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5 Responses to “Personal Development – What Level Are You At?”

  1. karenlim on June 8th, 2007 8:30 am

    Interesting post. I am at level 4 and 5

    Having my blog up to share passions in personal development is my dreams come through.

    I am glad my story has helped people to take actions in their life:

  2. Heather Flanagan on June 8th, 2007 2:49 pm

    Ohhh, that’s a good question. I think I range anywhere from Level 7. Yeah! Really!

    To say, well, hmmmm. Is there a level before Level 1? I didn’t see the word “tantrum” anywhere on the list. ;)

    Thanks for the touch stone. I guess I feel pretty good about me and my level(s). Now you’ve got me reflecting on my path, that really started way pre-Level 1. I would have thought your site was real dum where I came from. ;D

    I’d be like, “Whatever! Life sucks!” Napoleanna Dynamite.

    Heather Flanagan
    Cultural Visionary (and contribution oriented, I swear!)

  3. Pamela on June 11th, 2007 8:24 pm

    An interesting way of viewing our personal growth. I think it’s only necessary to view some of the things we do in a different and more interesting way like pretending that they are obstacles and we need to get pass them in order to be motivated.

  4. Macy on November 4th, 2008 4:29 am

    Anything that you do should always integrate yourself with motivation to reach success. So just go for it no matter what.

  5. rikki on November 6th, 2008 9:22 am

    thanks. I’m at 5 leve. though …I don’t know maybe four level ))

    rikki’s last blog post..Генеалогическое древо первого чернокожего президента США в картинках.

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