5 Great Ways to Get up Early in the Morning!

June 17, 2023

leadership trainingby Travis Wright

Many of us seek morning enlightenment. We want to wake up early, but that bed is too hard to get out of, and that alarm clock keeps going off every 9 minutes. Unfortunately, we are snoozing away what could be one of the most productive moments of our day. So, instead of snoozing, let’s wake up in a more effective way, and get the feeling of accomplishment first thing in the morning!

Here are some suggestions that may help you wake up better in the morning.

1. Wake up to Soothing Sounds. Buy a cd/mp3 alarm clock instead of a traditional ‘doot doot doot’, loud annoying alarm, why not ease into your day with something soothing instead of horrendously annoying?

Personally, I enjoy listening to a brain entracement track that audio engineer, William Hayes, created called “Hz so Good.” This thing takes certain megahertz audio tones that affect your brain and awareness in certain ways. The cd starts out with this hertz that slowly fades in and after 5 minutes or so, you finally wake up in a peaceful state. It’s quite enjoyable. You can contact him at Willpower Music.

2. Think 6 O’clock, Get up and Walk. Walking does the body good. The more steps that you take, the more healthier that you will become. I have made it my goal to walk over 10,000 steps per day. This is difficult sometimes, but I bought a pedometer from Target. Here are some good pedometers to consider if you wish to purchase one.

3. If you are a coffee drinker, get your brew programmed. I am not personally a coffee drinker, but there are millions of you out there… so get that coffee brewing early… grab the morning news, or check your email and get going!

4. Read something! Make it your goal to read a few pages of whatever book that you are currently reading. This will kick start your brain in the time that you would normally be snoozing it up. Nothing is worse than the snooze funk haze. By committing to reading a book within the first 15-20 minutes after waking up.

5. Go to bed earlier. Hello? Staying up until 2am playing World of Warcraft or SecondLife… or mindlessly reading countless blogs or looking for sites to Digg? Go to bed and get some valuable sleep.

Whatever it is that helps you get up early… commit to doing it daily! It is truly life-changing.


6 Responses to “5 Great Ways to Get up Early in the Morning!”

  1. Swan on June 18th, 2007 10:25 am

    Loved the article and am putting it to use already. Great advice!

  2. Alan on June 19th, 2007 2:54 am

    I agree with the list, especially going to bed early. Following those tips will not do us any good if we don’t have enough rest. Even if we sleep for 8 hours but stayed up late, it’s still hard to get up in the morning.

  3. Fritz on June 19th, 2007 2:28 pm

    Hi. Cool and very helpful article! Can you tell me where to find that song? It seems that I’am to stupid to find it on my own.

  4. Fran on June 19th, 2007 9:34 pm

    It’s so true regarding what they say about going to bed early. I find it better to wake up in the morning when I go to bed early compared to staying up late and waking up with the same hours of sleep.

  5. Aldian Prakoso on July 14th, 2007 8:38 pm

    I have another tip, too.

    Have a toddler also wakes you up in the morning. My 1-year old boy always wakes me up at 6 a.m :)

  6. Kor J. Lee on October 3rd, 2007 10:18 am

    Point of order, Mr. Wright,

    The generally accepted limit of human hearing is around 20 kilohertz at the upper end, so a CD such as you describe wouldn’t sound like much, or anything at all, for that matter, and your clock radio speaker wouldn’t be able to reproduce it anyway. In other words, “megahertz audio tones” is an oxymoron for humans.


    Kor J. Lee

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