Road Map to Success

January 11, 2024

by Napoleon Hill

Before starting to build a house, you’d get a set of blueprints to guide you. And you wouldn’t start on a trip without knowing where you were going and how you intended to get there.

But only about two people of every thousand know precisely what they desire from life and have workable plans for attaining their goals. These are the men and women who are leaders – the big successes who make life pay off on their own terms.

The strange thing is that these successful people have no more personality, no more education, and no more opportunities than others who never make the grade.

If you aren’t sure what you want from life, start now – this very hour. Decide definitely what you want, how much of it you want, and when you desire to have it in your possession.

First, write out a clear statement of what you desire most – the one thing or circumstance which, after you attain it, would justify your calling yourself a success.

Second, write out a clear outline of the plan by which you intend to attain this objective.

Third, set a time within which you intend to achieve your goal.

Fourth, memorize what you’ve written and repeat it many times daily in the form of a prayer.

Remember – nothing ever “just happens!” Someone has to make things happen, including individuals’ successes. Success in every calling is the result of definite action, carefully planned and persistently carried out by the person who conditions his mind for success and believes thoroughly that he will attain it.

How about drawing your road map to success today?

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3 Responses to “Road Map to Success”

  1. Truthteller on January 12th, 2008 11:12 am

    Interesting, I just finished writing on article on how to get clear about what you really want in a fun and easy way. If you don’t the first step right, then we can waste a lot of time and effort.

    If you are interested you can read it here..

    I particularly like your comment that it doesn’t just happen. So many after reading self help blogs and books, get the idea that they can think their way to success or happiness.

    Truth is you have to act your way to success. First you think and then you act!


  2. ETAVITOM on January 12th, 2008 12:11 pm

    Thanks for the profound wisdom! I also feel writing out goals is an extremely important exercise. Best in 08….

  3. Richard Duszczak on January 19th, 2008 6:38 am

    Great article.
    I’m a great fan of Napolean Hill.
    A lot of my motivational cartoons are inspired by him and his books. Please surf over to my blog and have a look at my latest cartoon…

    Best wishes,

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