Make a Binding Agreement with Yourself for the Life of Your Dreams

May 13, 2023

life hacksDate: May 13th, 2008

I, the undersigned, commit and agree to furnish all materials and labor necessary to design and create the LIFE OF MY DREAMS.

I hereby commit to doing whatever it takes while being honest and truthful to achieve the greatness that I know is within me.

I will pay the price that is necessary to reach my life’s dream and destiny, because I know that not fulfilling my destiny will leave me feeling short-changed in my life. And I deserve to achieve and cultivate greatness!

I understand that my life’s design plan is going to be reached one step at a time, with each step, bringing me closer to the LIFE OF MY DREAMS.

I will only settle for achieving the LIFE OF MY DREAMS.

I have the power, I have the knowledge, and I have what it takes to make my dreams come true.

Enjoy each moment. Be here now. With Love, Joy, and Gratitude.

Signature of Commitment

Inspired by John Assaraf’s The Foundation, Self-Study Program

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7 Responses to “Make a Binding Agreement with Yourself for the Life of Your Dreams”

  1. Erica on May 19th, 2008 10:18 am

    It seems like the biggest problem a lot of people have is a lack of willpower. People might want something really bad, but just be reluctant to step takes to make it happen and just make excuses as to why they’re not doing it.

    Willpower and discipline is what it boils down to.

  2. Derek on May 21st, 2008 9:32 am

    Some people have the willpower but unconsciously have a fear of success because it can mess with your identity. If you can align your goals at an identity level, there is no stopping you. I think the letter idea is great!

  3. Organize IT Recap: Investing, Writing Binding Contracts - Practical advice on personal development, productivity and GTD on May 23rd, 2008 12:10 pm

    [...] Cultivate Greatness suggests writing a binding contract with yourself for the life of your dreams. It’s a brilliant idea that I’ve been meaning to touch on for some time now. Many people have problems keeping promises with themselves and writing a contract may go some way to focusing us. [...]

  4. us government grants on July 4th, 2008 8:42 pm

    I think willpower is directly related to passion. If you are excited or motivated to make changes you will do it. However, fear of sucess or failure can be debilitating. There is a good book on moving past fear called “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway”.

  5. Jason on July 15th, 2008 1:42 pm

    Nice, I think its a good idea to have personal motivation like this. There is a scripture that says that God’s people die for a lack of vision. I think that is very true

  6. Bulk Real Estate Portfolios on August 21st, 2008 10:28 pm

    I like how Tony Robins brings up the point that when you make a DECISION part of the root words are from Latin which mean “TO CUT OFF FROM” all other options…

    cide = death

    death of all other options….you make a decision to live your dreams…no turning back.

    Take massive action and you will get what you want from life. In a nuttshell it’s that simple.

    Bulk Real Estate Portfolios’s last blog post..Welcome to

  7. Enlightened Wealth Institute on August 21st, 2008 10:37 pm

    One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that you do construct your reality between the left and right ears. Writing down your goals and treating your business like a business has great results.

    - Tammy

    Enlightened Wealth Institute’s last blog post..Free Book Offer from Robert Allen of the Enlightened Wealth Institute

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