Brain Dump- How Well Do You Manage Yourself?

2 01 2007

by Travis Wright

Are you a Stressed-Out Person? Sometimes, situations can get you all tangled up into a furious frenzied fret-ball. You think about it, dwell upon it, and then work every possible worst case scenario through your head?

Your biggest areas of growth, will not come during your happy times. You will learn the most from the perceived bad times. Its in these times that you are tested, and when you handle it well, your ‘Area of Effectiveness has expanded.

How well do you deal these situations? How do you manage yourself? How well do you manage your growth?

When you sit down to the computer, do you have a plan? Or do you mindlessly drift for whatever comes your way?

Do you read positive thought blogs frequently? Or just occasionally?

What about your organization skills? Is everything everywhere? If so, I bet you are stressed about it.

I recommend reading David Allen’s Book, Getting Things Done. This will help you manage your life a little better. I’m excited about learning this and implementing the strategies. My life needs less clutter!

Get your goals down on paper, and visualize what you want your world to look like, then make it happen!

Much Love!

-Travis Wright

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