If Your Friends are Being Stubborn about The Secret…

March 8, 2023

If you have a few people in your life who are procrastinating watching The Secret, or worse yet, being cynical about the movie. Just let them watch this short 11 minute clip. It sums up the movie perfectly and is inspiring to watch again, even if you have seen the movie several times.


Awareness As A Portal To Flow

March 7, 2023

By: Saleem Rana

Awareness can be seen as a methodology, a plan for personal and professional achievement. It is a way to manage change. Awareness arises when doing requires learning. In sports, for example. As you play your personal development awarenesssport, you are not only acting it but learning about how to act. The more fluid
your actions, the more well-rehearsed your form, the better you will play it.

The absence of awareness is an ungraceful dance between experiencing yourself as both a subject and an object. This method makes skill enhancement a challenge. The challenge arises not because you are self-conscious, but because your self-consciousness makes you self-critical. What makes things even more confusing is having an observer add to your own inner dialogue with comments.

The result of all this criticism is not an improved performance, but a worse one.
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A Vision for Humanity

March 6, 2023

This is what VISION Statement is all about: creating a Vision for Humanity.

I am looking for bold people who will hold the Vision for what it looks like when we solve the world’s major problems.

If you’d like to learn to make a VISION For Humanity

email me at iamvisionary@gmail.com [Let Malcolm know that Travis from CultivateGreatness.com recommended ya!, Thanks!]

A Fun Project for Tech Lovers…

March 5, 2023

I just wanted to let you all know that I have set up a new site called, Techasaur.us. The goal of the site is to be an aggregate of great tech news and also become a definitive source of archived news from years past.

I am looking for 3 people who are interested in technology who would like to write for Techasaur.us and find great tech news to link on the site. It’s very simple to find / write great news, and would like to find people who would enjoy working on Techasaur.us

If interested please respond with a comment! RAWR!

Thanks! :-)

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