If Your Friends are Being Stubborn about The Secret…

8 03 2007

If you have a few people in your life who are procrastinating watching The Secret, or worse yet, being cynical about the movie. Just let them watch this short 11 minute clip. It sums up the movie perfectly and is inspiring to watch again, even if you have seen the movie several times.


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One response to “If Your Friends are Being Stubborn about The Secret…”

10 03 2007
Patrick Allmond (02:43:19) :

The Secret is a great wonderful video - if you have been asleep for the past ten years and have missed this exact same message that has been broadcast several times over. I honestly believe that anybody that gets hooked on this will get hooked on the next think that comes out the professess the same message but just repackaged.

That is my problem with it. The message is the same (and very timeless). But it is not a “Secret”. It has not been hidden. It has not been passed down through the ages. Holy men and governments are not hiding it and making people sign secret documents to not talk about it.

However - “The Secret” is being very marketed. So much so that some of the participants have backed out their participation with it. Read around.

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