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Success in Life is Equal to the Quality of Your Decisions in…

2 07 2006

So, I had a friend over last night, and we were discussing the importance of good decision making and how it effects your overall success in life. Then out popped this from my cranium…

“Your success in life is a direct correlation to the quality of decisions you make in the MOMENT of that decision.”

It is so easy to put things off at the moment that a positive decision should be made. Procrastination is a disease that effects so many of our psyches. However, if we just make better decisions, at the moment of opportunity, then we can accomplish so much more.

Do I do the paper that I need to do, or do I watch MTV’s Pimp My Ride? Many of you might choose MTV’s Pimp My Ride or whatever. Sure, its only a 30 minute delay, but if you delay each and every time that you need to do something, something triggers in the mind, and success becomes more challenging.

You have something to do? DO IT in that moment of decision. Don’t delay it. Don’t put it off. Your quality of life will begin to improve, you will notice less stress in your life, and you will accomplish more of what you desire.

By wasting time when we have things to do, we are consciously deciding NOT to be successful. When we hit the snooze button in the morning, which starts our day late and gets up moving in the wrong directions, we are consciously deciding NOT to be successful.

This is something that I have begun to work hard on. And Im improving. Something about mornings and I don’t always see eye-to-eye. Partly because I stay up working on things until the wee-wee-wee hours of the morning. So when 6am comes along, I am owned. Snooze. Snooze. Next thing I know, Im rushing to get to where I need to be. Which, quite frankly, sucks. In that moment of hazy decision, I have traditionally made poor decisions. The bed is too comfy to get out of…. that sleepy fuzzy don’t want to wake up feeling… must go.

So, to combat this, when I wake up… in the middle of the night or whatever, my new resolution is to just get up. If I woke up. Im up. No since sleeping when I got things that need to be completed. Plus, Im putting my drop-dead, go-to-bed deadline at 12:30am. That way when I wake up at 5:30, I got myself a good 5 hours of slumber.

Mr. Donald Trump goes to bed each night at 1am and wakes up at 5am. He says this about it. ” I sleep for 4 hours each night, I go to bed AFTER you, and wake up BEFORE you… how you gonna compete with me?”

Well, Don. Good idea. You are obviously very successful, and as a result of your making good decisions at the moment of decision… Ill listen and take your advice.

Much Love


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