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11 Unconventional Sleep Tips: How to Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep

I have a lifelong difficulty with falling asleep at night and then — even more problematic — staying asleep. I don’t have a medical cause for insomnia or any sleep disorders, just a brain that likes to go into overdrive when my body finally has a chance to lie down and rest. I’ve looked to [...]

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14 Habits That Make You Fat

1. TV Watching Prolonged TV watching is a strong predictor for obesity1. Recent research2 has proved that people who watch around two hours of TV per day are much more likely to be overweight than those who watched only half an hour per day. When you watch TV you are virtually motionless. Your heart rate, blood [...]

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Keeping Things in Perspective

Mountains have always captured our imaginations, calling us to scale their heights, to circle and worship at their feet, and to pay homage to their greatness. Mountains can be seen from thousands of miles away, and if we are lucky enough to be on top of one, we can see great stretches of the surrounding [...]

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Finding the Technique for Perfect Breathing

by Travis Wright Back in 1995, I noticed that I was breathing incorrectly. The more I noticed it, the more that, it seemed, it got worse. Little did I know, the Law of Attraction was in full effect. Energy flows where attention goes. My breathing got worse. Then stress began to prevail in my neck [...]

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