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Positive Thoughts Will Create Positive Results

Positive Thoughts Will Create Positive Results

by Patrece Snow Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations and circumstances will change accordingly. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then let fears and lack of belief re-enter your mind. A person can easily [...]

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You Learn Something New Everyday. Mudras?

So I was using StumbleUpon earlier this evening. And I ran across this page According to Wikipedia: A mudrā (Sanskrit, मुद्रा, literally “seal”) is a symbolic gesture, used in the iconography of Hindu and Buddhist art of the Indian subcontinent. They are usually made with the hand or fingers. Along with āsanas (seated postures), [...]

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Thoughts on Gratitude

Here are some great thoughts on gratitude. Many thinkers throughout time have written down their thoughts and theories on why its important to be grateful for what you have and gratitude for where you are in life. Enjoy these nuggets of wisdom and think about things in your life that you are grateful for: God [...]

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The “I Want Manifesto”

By Katie Mattson The words, “I want” are two of the first words we learn growing up. We all went through the toddler phase of reaching out to anything that was shiny and saying “I want…” As adults, we still struggle with this verbal and emotional condition. Often, we aren’t clear about what we want [...]

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