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What a Great Wife - Surprised me with Big 35th Birthday Party

My wife deserves a medal. For one…having to spend her life with me, what an effin challenge for this lady, right? Well, she organized a surprise 35th birthday party for me on Saturday, May 17th. And it was totally unknown to me, a total shock. Plus, as an added surprise 22 friends and family showed [...]

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Zen Mind: How to Declutter

by Leo Babauta - One of the things that gives me most peace is have a clean, simple home. When I wake up in the morning and walk out into a living room that has been decluttered, that has a minimalist look, and there isn’t junk lying around, there is a calm and joy [...]

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Huge List Of GTD & Productivity Sites/ Personal Development Blogs

So I found this huge list over at It is a fascinating lists of sites with tons of information in it. In fact, the reason I found it, was because of a backlink back to my site here. Cool. Enjoy the list! Pass the word! 43 Folders 7Breaths Achieve IT! Black Belt Productivity Chief [...]

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Four Reasons Why We Procrastinate

By Carol Halsey Have you ever spent time thinking about a task you need to tackle but keep putting off, then spend time telling yourself you just must get started and wondering when you will start it, and then feeling guilty because you are working on other tasks instead. Yet this one keeps hanging over [...]

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