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5 Tips to Professional Development & Career Advancement

Professional development is critical to career advancements in the form of promotions, raises and new opportunities. A continuous quest to learn new skills and techniques is important, because it is through these new abilities that you will position yourself for offers of greater responsibilities and leadership tasks in the workplace. For example, since most advanced [...]

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5 Reasons to Abandon Television

by Ron Haynes @ The Wisdom Journal Abandoning television is a serious step in today’s society. Television is both a fantastic resource and a faceless attacker of wealth. It has the ability to inspire and the ability to depress. It can make you happy and scare you to death, it can inform and educate, but [...]

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Time Is Money – Budget It Carefully

by Napoleon Hill All of us have a single denominator in our fight for success. All of us have an equal amount of time in which to achieve it. Simple rules of health demand that eight hours of every day be spent in sleep. Eight hours more taken up in earning at least the bare [...]

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Personal Time Management: Is it Time to Stop and Evaluate Where You’re Headed?

By Cheryl A. Clausen Are you really struggling with time management? I mean really struggling. The kind of struggling that ends up in extreme stress because you’re missing deadlines, losing important pieces of information, scheduling yourself to the point you don’t have a free 15 minute period in your day. I can’t tell you how [...]

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