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10 Tips for Staying Motivated All Year Long: Tip No. 1

By: Dean Anderson  Ask any veteran of the weight loss wars and they’ll tell you that success depends just as much on exercising your mind as on exercising your body and changing your diet.  Let’s face it. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to eat and exercise if you want to [...]

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The Challenge of Change

The history of Henry Ford and the Model T illustrates a fundamental truth about leadership: leaders never outgrow the need to change. On his way to dominating the automotive market with the Model T, Henry Ford embodied innovation and progress. By pioneering the assembly line, Ford slashed the amount of time needed to manufacture an [...]

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16 Rules I Try to Live By

by Founder, Bob Parsons Of all the articles I’ve written for my Blog, this was the most popular. I’ve received many comments from readers saying they felt that part of, or all of, this article has either helped them with either something they were dealing with, or something they wanted to accomplish. Perhaps you [...]

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How To Motivate Yourself To Make Decisions Quickly

By Keith A. Shaw An inherent weakness that we all have, in both our personal and career lives, is S-L-O-W decision making. You know you need to do something, but for unknown reasons, you procrastinate. Maybe it is less painful not to do something than it is to do it. Perhaps it is like a [...]

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