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Debt and Debtor’s Disease

Debtor’s disease is a silent killer. Killer of respect, marriages, self control, and families. There isn’t a part of your life that it won’t touch and destroy with it’s deadly power. Some of you won’t even know you have it for many, many years. It’s a sneaky affliction; creeping into your life and slowly but [...]

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Don’t Ever Want, Wish or Hope for Anything

Ok, I have a 2.5 year old baby girl and a 6.5 year old son. They are constantly telling me what they want. “I want this, daddy! I want that, daddy!” What they don’t realize is that wanting, hoping and wishing for things, just don’t work. It would seem that most adults don’t realize this [...]

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The Forever Moment of NOW.

image: Oasis album cover, “Be Here Now” We are always here. In this moment. Now. Each moment is the birth and death of a brief encounter of time. But perhaps it is time that is the myth? Where ever we are, is actually a whenever we are. All we have is this moment, always. It’s [...]

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101 Tips to Help You Make Money Doing What You Love

This article here comes from Paul Piotrowski at Inspired Money I firmly believe that you truly need to do what you enjoy, as that is where the passion lies. If you are passionate about something and truly enjoy doing that in which you are passionate, then there is no way that you can fail. [...]

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