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What a Great Wife - Surprised me with Big 35th Birthday Party

My wife deserves a medal. For one…having to spend her life with me, what an effin challenge for this lady, right? Well, she organized a surprise 35th birthday party for me on Saturday, May 17th. And it was totally unknown to me, a total shock. Plus, as an added surprise 22 friends and family showed [...]

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Don’t Dog on Yourself about the Dumb things You’ve Done.

Give yourself pep talks. Take a moment in the morning of each day, to actually tell yourself how much you love yourself. Talk to yourself and remind yourself of your successes. Focus on the future, and live in the moment. Learn to get better each and every day. The more that you focus on the [...]

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Let Us All Take Part in Blog Action Day 2007.

Cultivate Greatness is proud to announce that it will be taking part in Blog Action Day 2007. We have been misusing the environment for far too long, and we need to treat Mother Nature with Respect. Visit for more information. I encourage all bloggers to participate in this event on October 15th, 2007. Tweet [...]

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Finding the Technique for Perfect Breathing

by Travis Wright Back in 1995, I noticed that I was breathing incorrectly. The more I noticed it, the more that, it seemed, it got worse. Little did I know, the Law of Attraction was in full effect. Energy flows where attention goes. My breathing got worse. Then stress began to prevail in my neck [...]

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