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Some Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Earlier in Life

by Paul Singh As I get older, I realize I’ve learned some lessons that I wish I had picked up sooner in life. Most of these lessons were learned through experience, many through the various mentors (Thanks, guys!) I’ve had along the way and a few from various books I’ve read here and there. When [...]

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Do You Realize What your Words Can Do?

We have all been judged at one point. But if you have ever judged others, particularly if you feel your judgments — no matter how small — were inconsequential or meaningless, you have to watch this video. My wife shared this video with me yesterday, and I had a hard time trying to stop myself [...]

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What a Great Wife - Surprised me with Big 35th Birthday Party

My wife deserves a medal. For one…having to spend her life with me, what an effin challenge for this lady, right? Well, she organized a surprise 35th birthday party for me on Saturday, May 17th. And it was totally unknown to me, a total shock. Plus, as an added surprise 22 friends and family showed [...]

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The Art of Persuasion

By Ross Bonander The art of persuasion represents the history of shrewd but diplomatic manipulation — getting people over the fence and onto your side without the use of force. Its ultimate goal is basic, but difficult: To convince your audience to internalize your argument, then embrace it as a part of their core belief [...]

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